(no subject)

Apr 29, 2011 22:17

Hi guys.

I wrote some more American Idiot fic?

the spark in the night
Pairings: Johnny/Jimmy, mentioned Johnny/Whatsername
Warnings: Drugs, sex (ish), mindfuckery.
Summary: ...Self-indulgent pretentious Johnny/Jimmy porn? (takes place after Letterbomb)
Disclaimer: Am still not Green Day, not mine, will deny everything in court.

He wakes up, and Jimmy’s already sitting on the edge of the bed with a spoon and a lighter.

“I haven’t even had my coffee yet,” he yawns, and holds out his arm.

Five seconds (or minutes) later, he’s on his back, grinning his fucking face off, his arms and legs going heavy as Jimmy climbs on top of him, kisses his neck, his chest, the marks all over his arms. He can’t move, but Jimmy moves him, Jimmy pins him to the bed and straddles his hips, Jimmy slicks him up and sinks down onto his cock, and he can’t do anything but groan and let his hips stutter up into Jimmy.

The high starts to sink into a more familiar low as Jimmy moves, and he can feel himself start to nod off, the world darkening at the edges until it’s black except for a pinpoint of light-

He wakes up a second (maybe twenty) later, and Jimmy’s still there, still fucking himself, still gorgeous and amazing and everything he’s ever-

He wakes up, and Jimmy’s gone, it’s just him, alone, naked on his bed and surrounded by plastic and aluminum-

Jimmy moans, long and loud and he’s going to wake the neighbors, not that he cares, and he moans along with him-

Jimmy’s gone again, left him alone to stare at the ceiling with a hand on his dick-

His hands are tangled in someone’s hair, but it’s not Jimmy’s, it’s long and naturally dark except for a bright streak of-

Jimmy bites him, right above his collarbone, his teeth sinking in and leaving marks that feel like they’ll bleed the second Jimmy lets go-

He’s alone-

He’s tasting lipstick-

Jimmy bites him again, making him cry out and wake up, his eyes barely able to focus on the ceiling as Jimmy bites him once more, on the earlobe.

Jimmy whispers, “You don’t need her,” and “You left her,” and “We have each other,” and other things that get harder and harder to hear as Jimmy moves faster and faster, and he grabs at Jimmy’s shoulder, trying to tell him-

He wakes up alone, one hand raised to the ceiling like he’s reaching out for help, there’s blood under his fingernails-

Jimmy grinds down one more time, and they come together like they’re in the shittiest, sappiest romantic comedy on TV, all perfectly in sync and happy together with all the bad times behind them, Jimmy’s movements slowing as he comes on both their chests before he collapses, panting.

He starts slipping again, down and down and down and he’s not sure when he’s going to come up again, not this time.

Jimmy nips at his ear one more time, whispering something he can’t understand before wrapping his arms tight around him.

He barely even notices how cold it is.

i write fic not pornography, this is my broadway tag, sometimes my tags lie, go to bed ginnymarie, i am a fandom stealer

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