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wow I can html teh_slush January 24 2011, 18:50:04 UTC
Twitter is fun because you can't look at celebrities on Facebook! So I get to see Pete Wentz's nonsensical musings on life and updates on when Patrick Stump will be on television and see pictures Gabe tweets of himself hanging out with everyone. Tumblr seems to be for collecting pretty pictures and being indignant about important things.

I'm on winter term right now (no meal plan) and it's WAY TOO COLD to go to the expensive dining hall, so I'm pretty much living on pasta, sandwiches, and microwave whatever. I AM HUNGRY A LOT TOO BUT IF I DON'T MOVE I FORGET TO EAT. WHOOPS.

My heterosexual history basically consists of me thinking I was asexual in my first few years of high school, then deciding I really don't want to be straight because guys are gross and I should just be a lesbian, suddenly realizing dudes are in fact totally attractive and I wouldn't want to be bisexual anyway, finding out that Kuroki Meisa exists and starting to give up on my straight, finding more and more gay exceptions and deciding to give up on labels, and then DEVELOPING A GIANT CRUSH ON MY BEST FRIEND and just giving up on everything.

My life is pretty great.


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I have been told I am quite the funny man teh_slush January 24 2011, 20:50:07 UTC


LABELS ARE SILLY. UNLESS YOU'RE TOTALLY COMFORTABLE WITH THEM. WHICH I AM SOMETIMES! Ahahaha I just got in a big rage over people at my school who are uncomfortable with the term "cisgender" I should not even start talking. But yeah, thanks! <3 I'm just hoping for the best. FIRST ANYTHINGFRIEND AAAA.


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so a pie chart walks into a bar teh_slush January 24 2011, 21:56:31 UTC

Yeah the jelly got all over the paper towel. I probably should've cooked it for thirty seconds instead of a full minute. But it was pretty tasty! Probably would've been tastier fried in a pan (or deep fried, oh god I want to go to Musikfest now they fry everything) but very nice for a sandwich in the middle of January!

I can't even do the casual making out thing, partly because I don't go to parties or whatever but mostly because HUMAN CONTACT WHAT IS THIS EVEN. I mean once I get my first kiss out of the way then maybe, but right now I'm just sitting quietly in my bubble of what-is-this-even.

Also there is NO SUCH THING as TMI with me, my twitter is half stupid things about music people and half ORGASMS. KINKY ORGASMS.


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Re: PIE :D :D :D teh_slush January 24 2011, 22:11:25 UTC

The bread was half-frozen from the walk from the store, okay. MY MINUTE WAS PERFECTLY VALID. And I am shit at estimating times.

That makes perfect logical sense to me! Sara and I are kind of a weird case though so my first kiss is going to end up being with my girlfriend and best friend at the same time. And I don't see us not being best friends at any point in the future, so.

I JUST TALK ABOUT SEX ALL THE TIME WITH ANYONE WHO WILL LISTEN. "So what are your kinks?" is on the same level as "So what's your favorite band?" in a conversation with me. IT'S INTERESTING!


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teh_slush January 24 2011, 22:21:38 UTC
Ahahahaha anyone who just looks at my masterlist without talking to me is probably like "...what even" because what do I have on there? VAMPIRES, STONERPORN, AND FUCKED UP RELATIONSHIPS EVERYWHERE. GO SELF.


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teh_slush January 24 2011, 22:27:25 UTC
NOTHING. NOTHING AT ALL. I SHOULD WRITE SOME STONERVAMPIRES. no seriously I could totally work Travie into my awful 16c headcanon

Fandom is going to HATE ME once Stockholmfic actually happens though, ahahahahahaha. I'M GETTING TO THE PART WITH sortofEVIL!GERARD, WHY AM I DOING THIS WHY WHY WHY.


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teh_slush January 24 2011, 22:33:51 UTC
Bandom is kind of difficult to get into I think? Since it's not like most fandoms where it's like "HERE IS YOUR CANON MATERIAL. GO." It's more like "SEARCH THE INTERNET FOR PRIMERS AND THEN IF THERE AREN'T ANY IT'S TIME TO GO LISTEN TO THEIR MUSIC AND THEN WATCH INTERVIEWS AND THEN READ FIC TO SEE HOW FANDOM CHARACTERIZES AND THEN WRITE LOTS OF AUS. ENJOY." But once you know your way around it's just a matter of picking up new canon (tours, interviews, NEW ALBUMS OMG PANIC IN TWO MONTHS OMG) as it comes along.

YOU SHOULD JOIN US. IT'S A DAMN GOOD TIME. Especially since I'm basically writing an AU of a canon AU it might be useful to know your way around the universe before committing yourself to a 20K WORD READ.

Nnnno Sara's over in Illinois. We've known each other for four years but we met on the internet--I'm from Pennsylvania, she's from California. We've. Never actually met in person, ahahaha. But we're going to see Mychem in April together AND THEN STAY IN A HOTEL SO THAT SHOULD BE INTERESTING.


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teh_slush January 24 2011, 23:34:47 UTC
I vaaaaguely remember being aware that MCR fic existed back in middle school, but I totally forgot about it until recently. And by then I had already been through Johnny's Entertainment fandom and Star Trek RPF, so I was NOT SURPRISED AT ALL.

At least watch the Na Na Na and Sing videos, that way you'll have some visuals and some pretty basic canon. IT'S SUPER FUN STUFF IF YOU SEE THE FAKE TWITTER ACCOUNTS, LOOK AT THE FAKE WEBSITES, AND SEE EVERYONE ELSE'S TAKE ON THE KILLJOY'S UNIVERSE, but just the videos are all you really need. Especially since half of Killjoys verse is fanon anyway.

We IM, Skype, text, call, tweet, pretty much everything you do with irl friends except...talk irl. We Skype a LOT, so really seeing her for the first time won't be all too jarring. I MEAN IT'LL BE AMAZING SINCE WE'LL ACTUALLY BE ABLE TO HUG EACH OTHER A LOT AND SING IN HARMONY WITHOUT TIME DELAYS, but not super bizarre.


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