(no subject)

Aug 08, 2009 11:18

So the last few days have been taken up by ~MASSACHUSETTS~! Meaning, college tours. Yay.

First we went to Vassar, which was in upstate New York, not Massachusetts, but it was on the way there. It's basically a hippy school. They have an entire dorm for vegans/vegetarians, which I thought was kind of awesome and Alex should go there. The architecture was nice, especially this one building that looks like something out of Alice in Wonderland. Also, it has a whistling a capella group. So that was kind of awesome.

Next was Amherst (WOO HOO AIMIN' HIGH) which I will never get in to. IT HAS LIKE A TEN PERCENT ACCEPTANCE RATE AND WANTS KIDS TO TAKE EIGHT AP CLASSES AND GHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. But. It was so pretty and it's in the Five College consortium, meaning I can take free bus rides to any of the other four colleges, take classes at the other four colleges (including U-Mass, which has a fantastic language program apparently) and ghhhhhhhhh. So, since I'm too dumb to go to Amherst, what is the solution?


Smith was definitely my favorite. "But Slush," you say, "I know you're a hardhearted sexist bitch, but isn't going to an all-girl's school a bit extreme?" Well, my friends, that's the thing. It's also in the Five College thingy, so it's not completely guy-proof. I can still go to U-Mass parties or guys will take classes at Smith or yadda yadda yadda. It's just that the dorms will be all-female, which would be a lot more comfortable for me than, say, Vassar and its COED BATHROOMS AAAAAAA. Besides that, Smith just sounds like a fun little community and the course catalog looks great. NOW I JUST NEED TO GET ACCEPTED HURF.

Yesterday was Williams, which...I thought I would really really like. It was my first choice before we left to actually go there. Except...it wasn't all that fantastic. The campus was so big and all the buildings looked the same, so we were lost constantly, for one thing. Their language program sounds like they just sort of threw it together to appease the masses; Spanish and French are just two subcatagories under "Romance Languages," instead of, y'know, actually being in the course catalog as separate entities. I dunno, that seems kind of rude. itt slush defends the honor of FRENCH what am i Maybe it was because I saw SMITH the day before and nothing else could impress me. I dunno. The class on Eskimo Warfare did sound great though. The final project is a big snowball fight. BUT IT'S NOT ONE OF THE FIVE COLLEGES SO NYEEEEH.

tl;dr I fail at picking colleges

yes i am straight actually, this is not how logic works, what is going on guys, weather needs no edumacation, tl;dr, huh what

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