Sep 13, 2008 11:29
I think the only parts of my body that don't hurt are my wrists. Which is weird because I thought my right wrist was going to give out last night.
Why do I love marching band so much again?
To summarize last night, let me give you Slush's schedule:
6:15 AM: Attempt to get out of bed.
6:45 AM: Get on the bus to Mind Death Land
7:40 AM: Begin mind death period 1, Gifted Sem (listening to an NPR special and having a long discussion on racism)
9:23 AM: Begin mind death period 2, AP Engrish
9:24 AM: Consider killing the president something/dropping course
10:56 AM: Freedom, then lunch in band room
11:15 AM: Tell a friend about Sho Minamimoto, instant hilarity ("AH~! AH~! DISTRIBUUUUTE~!" Could not stop laughing.)
11:30 AM: Mind death period 3, gym. No explanation required.
12:58 AM: Mind death period 4, calculus. See above.
2:30 PM: FREDOOOOM no wait I'm staying after school today.
4:00 PM: Pre-game prepping, ie Mr. Kirby giving us a long lecture on how the teachers are protesting and he's not allowed to be in the building after 3 starting Monday. Because the school is more willing to pay 2 million dollars for a football field (no, seriously) than give the teachers decent pay. We're one of the worst paid districts in the area and the board's trying to give the teachers a pay cut. No strike yet, and I hope they don't; Christmas break is 2 whole weeks this year.
4:45 PM Band bus! :3
6:30 PM (or so): Arrive and march to the stands, finding out that Kirby had rambled so long we were late and couldn't play the show for pre-game.
11:00 PM: Band bus home! :3
12:00 PM: Back at school, unload stuff from buses, GO HOME
12:20 AM: HOME.
tl;dr left the house at 6, didn't get home until midnight.
...I would quit but I love it way too much. Even if my shoulders feel like they've been through the war.
EDIT: Scratch that, right wrist is down. I hadn't tried opening the fridge yet when I wrote that.
whine whine whine whine,
rant rant rant rant,
weather needs no edumacation,
ask me about playing bass drum,
slush is a dorkface