I need to take this down before I forget. This is good read: bizarre stuff.
I had two dreams last night. Normally I have two or three that sort of mesh into each other, but these were pretty clear. And bizarre.
The first one wasn't really too surreal. It was your run-of-the-mill crisis dream. I was late for an orchestra concert, so I rushed into the auditorium figuring the teacher would throw a bitchfit. Then I realized I'd forgotten my cello. I ran all the way to the other side of the building to get it and came back. Then I remembered I forgot my...I forget, I think it was a rose we were all wearing for decoration or something. Then I forgot my music. Then I forgot my bow. Not fun. By the time I finished running back and forth, the whole orchestra had run back to a completely different room. I was informed later that the whole thing was ruined because I wasn't there to keep everyone together. Guh.
I was on some kind of adventure movie-esque journey with some chick, another chick, a toddler chick, and Kaiji. What. We wandered all over the place, guided by big annoying liars who refused to help us when we really needed it. I think. It was pretty vague. At one point we had to cross a bridge built by the Wright Brothers (what) and were led across by this guy who for no clear reason wore a leotard and hopped across the bridge holding a lantern on one foot (what). The oldest chick meanwhile kept chattering with him about how much of a liar he and the Wright Brothers were. lsdkfjlsj what. Then we got halfway across the bridge and it ended. There was another bridge about fifty feet to the left of us. We had to swim to it. What.
When we swam over and climbed the ladder into this little shop, we noticed we were at a dead end. We started flailing about how we must have gotten stuck, but I found this tiny little inflatable raft on a shelf. I told everyone it would be cool to have, and they started saying it must have been the answer to the puzzle. Well, we went down to the pier or something to use it, and started working out a bizarre and complex system of signaling each other using our oars. (actually it has just occurred to me that THERE WAS ONLY ONE RAFT and we didn't need to signal to each other. WHAT.) Then, somehow, we ended up in a movie theater. With video games. But the game that was playing was a game we needed to use our oars for. And my other group was gone and I was with Tape, Tanchan, and I think Eggo and my brother. I forget. Aiko and Lego might have been there but I'm not sure, sorry guys :<
It was a rafting game. Well, that makes sense. We had to kick a row of people out of the theater to play, and even then it was really uncomfortable sitting in a small movie theater seat with an oar. So we had to choose our character out of the usual Mario Party set (what). I tried to pick Daisy but the controls were being screwy so I ended up with Yoshi. Then I wished I had tried a bit harder to make them work, because then Tanchan chose AN ADORABLE MARIO PARTY VERSION OF PUCCI :< I think Tape picked Versace by accident. Or this guy who looked like Fat Albert but was named...Slug or Slurg or something. Yeah I don't know.
And Versace had wiggly fingers.
In other news, my Euro teacher emailed me back the essay I had emailed to him. With comments. D: