(no subject)

Jun 01, 2008 21:15

So the other day you may (or may not have) noticed that I bought the fourth volume of MPD Psycho. Well, the other other day I received the first three volumes via the pit of amazing aka Amazon.com. So I had a bit of a reading binge and just finished volume 4 five minutes ago.


DISCLAIMER: I can never remember names and am probably screwing them all up but oh well I'm too lazy to look them up properly.

So MPD Psycho (Multiple Personality Detective Psycho) is a little old story about a little old detective named Yosuke Kobayashi who has a little old girlfriend who was raped by a little old nutcase and sent to the little old detective in a little old box without her little old limbs. He then proceeds to go completely insane and his personality is replaced by Kazuhiko Amamiya, who is basically the same guy if a bit more inquisitive and actually gets screentime. We then meet his other lovely little personalities, none of which are particularly interesting and I always forget their names. Except one. But I could spend another paragraph talking about him so I'll save that for the end.

So later on in the story we learn that this guy, whoever he is, did not in fact go nutty because of his limbless and well-raped girlfriend being sent by air mail (VERY well-raped, the rapist even brags about it. Quote, "I CAME INSIDE HER THREE TIMES!! AW, HOW EMBARRASSIN'!" I am not making this up) No, it's because when he was a child he killed a bunch of small children and sucked up their souls until they became other personalities. Or something to that effect. I think the novelty of this series is that it makes zero sense. Then again I read manga too fast to pay attention to the plot. And I was too busy looking for pretty pictures of people getting their heads blown off, probably. There's a lot of that.

Meanwhile as we learn these bizarre little backstories, there's a bunch of nutcases running around with barcodes on their eyes (I'm not kidding) who carry out a number of gruesome murders including planting flowers in young maidens' brains (still not kidding), killing and eating people due to anorexia (STILL not kidding), and forcing young children to kill themselves in a horribly painful fashion whenever they hear a song by some singer-turned-terrorist. The latter guy administers painkillers into himself through his ears, by the way. I am not making any of this up.

Amamiya is of course a brilliant and perfect detective who is right more often than Napoleon and Mussolini combined I make the worst jokes ever kill me so of course he always finds the killer and gets him put to justice. Well, more often than not they commit suicide, but it all works out in the end, right? Sometimes though, you need something besides a big old brain. You need force. You need Shinji Nishizono. The man I am going to marry.

SHINJI (who is worthy of capslock in everything he does but I'd rather not burn your eyes) is what you get if you put Matt Engarde, Cioccolatta, and The Joker into a blender and set it to Maim. He is absolutely nucking futs in everything he does, which usually involves brutal murder. Shinji is there whenever one of the villains wants to say hi to him (which is often for some reason that will probably be revealed later) or whenever Amamiya goes totally whacko and needs to kill something. And he will kill something. With a smile on his face. Well less of a smile and more of a big open-mouthed laugh.
He is also hot. Incredibly hot. Slush has a problem with psychopaths. She finds them attractive. And by "attractive" she means "OH GOD SHINJI TAKE ME NOW."

And that's about all the verbal diarrhea I can spit out on the subject. I really do read this too fast and barely understand what's going on. I'll probably reread it later so I can stare at Shinji so I can watch heads explode so I can laugh at the expression on this one guy's face when he looks down and discovers that there is a gaping hole in his chest FOR REASONS OF COMPREHENSION.

Yeah. Also, everyone go read Pendragon. Just as an afterthought.

lolwut, rant, someone shut me up, slush has a psycho fetish

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