shippo used rantrantrant!

Mar 05, 2009 20:27

yeah. I'm in rant mode again, but WHO CARES [right? RIGHT]?

so, have this instead.

+ ARE YOU, +

1. Perfect?
+ I'd like to think, then I'm blatantly reminded of the fact that I am a dick sometimes.

2. Tall?
+ You're funny.

3. In your pajamas ?
+ Nah. I just got home from work. D:

4. Left handed?
+ Depends on what I'm doing.

+ LAST, +

1. Friend you saw:
+ My friend Heather. We ride the bus home together.

2. Talked to on the phone :
+ :devShadowBreeze:. She saw an accident at school that hasn't been on TV yet.

3. Person to text you:

4. Was today better than yesterday?
+ Hell no. Blatant disrespect from someone who considers themsevles a good friend of yours isn't good. in ANY aspect. To you who knows who you are, I love you, but it's annoying. Seriously.


1. Number:
+ Zero.

2. Colour(s):
+ The neutrals [black, white, brown, grey], metals [gold, silver, bronze, platinum] and fires [orange, yellow, red].

3. Fruit:

4. Place:
+ My room. People don't bother me or disrespect me there.


Q: What was the first thing you did this morning when you got up?
A: Groan about it not being Friday yet.

Q: Do you have anything bothering you?
A: Psst. You don't know the half.

Q: Fit or Fat?
A: I am definitly overweight. Not kidding.

Q: What's the last movie you saw?
A: Street Fighter: Legend of Chun-Li. I wish it had Ryu in it.

Q: Where is the last place you went?
A: Work. Ugh.

Q. Do you smile a lot?
A: Yes, but only because I hate people asking me, "What's wrong?" I know they won't understand.

Q: Do you wish upon stars?
A: Not anymore. No amount of wishing on stars can bring back the dead.

Q: Are you a friendly person?
A: No.

Q: Where did you sleep last night?
A: First the floor, then my bed. I fell asleep watching TV in my room.

Q: When was the last time you cried?
A: A little while ago, after my grandfather practically called me useless in front of my father, who didn't agree or disagree [I'm assuming, since he didn't say he didn't disagree that he agrees].

Q: What was your last thought before going to sleep last night?
A: I normally don't think before I fall alseep anymore.

Q: Rate life as of right now one being bad ten being great?
A: Negative ninty-nine.

Q: What do you hear right now?
A: Fans blowing and the click-click-claking of my keyboard.

Q: Does anything hurt right now?
A: My pride and my head because my adrenaline is rushing for some unknown reason.

Q: What's your favorite month?
A: April. Respect me and be loved. Disrespect me and be used as a verbal punching bag. I'm serious.

Q: What did you do last night?
A: Seriously reconsider some of the people who call themselves my "friends" and whether or not they are actually worthy of that title.


1. Are you missing someone right now:
+ No.

2. Are you happy?
+ Hell no.

3. ? (where did question 3 go? )
+ Who forgets a third question? Poor number three.

4. Are you bored?
+ I'm always bored.

6. Are you nervous?
+ No. I have no reason to be.

[insert question seven plz?]

8. Are you tired?
+ I'm always tired, too.


001. Real name?
+ Aiesha. My full name means "Saint of Sweet Life." What an oxymoron.

002. Nick names?
+ Ship, Adee, Adechi, Yozoro, etc, etc.

003. Eye color?
+ Dark brown.

004. Zodiac sign?
+ Aries.

005. Male or female?
+ Girl wanting to be a guy.

009. Smart?
+ Pfft. You're still funny.

010. Hair color?
+ Dark brown, but darker than my eyes.

011. Tall or short?

013. Sweats or Jeans?
+ I like jeans. But sweats are good, too.

014. Phone or Camera?
+ Both. I don't really use either one, so...

016. Drink or Smoke?
+ No. I consider myself better than that.

020. Tattoos?
+ I'd like one, but no.

021. Righty or lefty?
+ Limited ambidexterous, kinda.


024. First best friend?
+ Joyce. She was my best friend in first grade.

025. first crush?
+ I don't remember.

027. First pet?
+ Panda, my cat. We put him to sleep whne I was in seventh grade.

028. First big vacation?
+ Lousiana. It took four days to get there by AmTrak train.

[strange 29-48 are missing....]
Wow, that's odd.

049. Eating?
+ Not really.

050. Drinking?
+ Quality hydrogen hydroxide.

052. I'm about to:
+ Post this on dA and LJ [and turn eighteen].

053. Listening to?
+ My grnadma on the phone.

054. Plans for today?
+ Bed. I'm tired of being awake, as per usual.

079. Drank bubbles?
+ Once, a long time ago.

080. Lost glasses/contacts?
+ Nope. Not since I've had them. I still have my very first pair of both.

081. Ran away from home?
+ Twice, but they're not considered "running away," because I came home not long after.

084. Broken someone's heart?
+ I doubt it. No one cares about me that much.

085. Been arrested?
+ Nah, I live by the law, and I respect it.


090. Miracles?
+ No.

089. Yourself?
+ Hell no.

092. Heaven?
+ Sometimes.

093. Santa Claus?
+ He's an okay dude once you get to know him.

094. Love?
+ Fuk no.


097. Do you like someone?
+ You're getting on my nerves with this "funny" business.

099. Do you believe in God?
+ The counsel says no.


i need more icons. angry ones. help, plz?

okay. i'm outie.

anger management, rawr, rave, rant

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