Update: Icons/Skype/Vacation/Lemons/random box?

Jul 27, 2009 01:50

So I politely stole took a ton of icons, today. They're all so gorgeous~ I found a few that made me go, "WHOA~" and it was great. I just wish I had moar Buck icons [I'm looking at you, Big-Me or am I?]. xD

Why is it that I have to love all the under-appreciated characters? I do love some of the popular Poke-fandom characters, but not as much as the unpopular ones. The only people I know who love my faves are my crazy as hell friends. And iimaa-chan and Big-Me.

I have too many pictures of Buck. Waaaaay too many. Mostly from Orange, but still too many. I smell icon fodder, but I NEED PHOTOSHOP, waaaaaaaah. I'm gonna try to get a copy from either Fry's Electronics or eBay. Not too thrilled about eBay, though; the people there can't really be trusted. ._.

Holy-- about 90% of the pokemon picture I have on my phone have/are related to Buck. WHAT. Okay, I'm seriously past the fangirl phase at this point, right? [subconcious nods slowly]


Waaah~ Skype is fun, too. I'm having a blast V-chatting with my friends from PG. They're all so fun and nice! But, I really need to be writing and cleaning, not Skyping everywhere. What the hell. xD

I won't be on for the rest of the week; I'm being forced to clean my room. It's really bad, but I'm hoping to get half of it done tomorrow, if it's not gonna be too-too hot. Plus, Daddy's off this week and I'm gonna scheme and see if he'll get me outta cleaning my room. His computer doesn't have Skype, though. Waaah?


My vacation's been all right, at least. I don't really have anything to freak out about or complain about, minus my sister was supposed to be here in Cali a week ago, and I'd really like to see her again. Oh, well~ Maybe sometime this week. I have faith.


When I DO get back on, I'm gonna be practicing my lemons. I need the practice really, really bad. I can do drabbles about lemons, I can write a non-explicit lemon, but if anyone is like me, they love the descriptive shit, and I need to be able to deliver. 'Cause, hell, I can blush and squeal later, right? xDwhere did this box come from? @-@

skype, buck, procrastinating, lazy, lemons, vacation, icons, pokemon fandom, random box?

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