To the witty girls who went to our beds...

Apr 27, 2005 18:06

I don't like dances. Dancing is cool, but dances are awful. Especially if they're really really long and have a bajillion steps. And I also hate dancing in small, hot rooms.
Les mis dances=crappo-mundo

It's done. No more. I'm a new man. For now...

So my parents were preparing to leave this past weekend, and my dog, Shadow, suddenly began the habit of pissing on the floor uncontrollably. So, rather than burden my brother and I with the scrubbing, they decided to board him at the vet's office. He was let out on good behavior, which was a surprise, and he hadn't pissed on the floors at all, which is always a plus. He hadn't snapped at the handlers, he ate his dinner, he was a perfect little angel. Well, we brought him home monday, all washed and pretty and bandana'd. Then, he pissed in his cage early the next morning before my mom let him out. He's been a steady downhill type of deal. First his hearing, then his appetite, then his balance, then his urethral control. He's all of 14 years, and I knew it would happen, and the date is set, they're euthenizing him on saturday.
I didn't have a reaction when my mom told me, I never really bonded with Shadow on account of his disposition towards me for pretty much my entire childhood (he's not...good with children...snarl, bark, bite...), but it's just going to be sad to see the old bean go. He's a good guy at heart, you just can't touch him or make eye contact or point at him.
(sidenote-Sparky is my dog who has the white paws and the golden-speckled face, he's not the one who's dying)

I hope he's happy.
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