Jun 22, 2008 05:15
Its already 5 something in the morning and I tried to sleep but I couldn't plus with all the snoring from my parents I couldn't relax myself to bed. A lot of things in my mind. My brain is very active but I'm mentally very tired. There's a lot of things I want to do and when this many things jumble up together, I end up not doing anything coz of no mood and stress. I got a bad habit that when I'm stress, I end up being lazy and ignore things until the very last minute believing that, "I'll manage it tmr." I have too many "tmrs" and end up frustrating myself. Bad habit is hard to change. I'm still trying to change but I know that my determination and will is not really that strong. I'm too used to slumber-ness and I let this slumber-ness take over me most of the time. It is getting hard to motivate myself. I find myself getting less genki-er than usual.
p/s: I'm not emo-ing or depress, just mentally very tired... My mom going to pipiak me if I don't sleep anytime soon... gahh!