Today we had a mondo debate from most of the political parties in our ridings. I swear, it was one of the most funniest things, ever.
Liberals - "Like, I'm so totally a member of the human rught coalition and I, like, read to blind sick children on the weekend. Blind sick children - who are communists!"
Steph: Alright...
Green Party: "Environmental THIS, environmental THAT, wait, what is this about heathcare?"
Steph: Yeah...
NDP - *Reads off a sheet and NEVER STOPS TALKING* "What the liberals said."
Steph: *Facedesk*
Marxist-Lennonist party: "Yeah, we want a new constitution, and we'll like, write it and stuff. Also, N.A.T.O is for wimps. And as of such, we want out. We think that the party system is stupid."
Steph: But you're a party.
M-L party: "Um, shut up."
Steph: ...?
M-L party: "That's it, when the revolution comes, you'll be the first to go, bitch!"
Steph: *runs*
Anyways, I am getting sick of Euchre, it takes away all the socal fun of talking. You know what else does? MY THROAT INFECTION. DIE STUPID GERMS.
I am, as the French say, le out.