Writer's Block and Other Ramblings

Mar 03, 2011 15:42

Hello there.

I'm still alive (I think. It is quite possible I'm a zombie; I'll look into it and get back to you.) just in case you were wondering.

I've been trying to write All. Day. Long.

I haven't gotten anywhere. Since I put up that story on my other lj, I haven't been able to string more than two sentences together.


I think I am not only intimidated by writing, but embarrassed by it as well.

Brings to mind a quote (Yes, I know a quote for everything) by Robert A. Heinlein:

"Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of, but do it in private and wash your hands afterwards.”

Once I get started I should be fine, but I'm having a hard time starting work on my story. Looking over what I've already written makes me cringe. Tell me, is my fanfic really painful to read, or is it just me?

Anyway, if someone wants to bitch slap me and tell me I'm being ridiculous and that I should just get over it, you're welcome to, and thanks.

In other news:

Work continues to suck. I've been meaning to whine about it as a form of catharsis, but not only do I fear that I would quickly scare people off with my ranting, but there is just so much shit there that I don't even know where to begin.

It should get better soon. Turns out I'll be transferring stores, again, but I should only be working three days a week.

Which is more than I would really like to. I was hoping to get my hours cut to maybe sixteen a week. I am completely sick of this bullshit, I do not want to get stuck doing this for the rest of my life. I'm planning on getting back into school, but I can't do that with a full time job. No. Fucking. Way.

'Course that means I'll have to get my high school diploma. I remember looking into the community collage a while back because they supposedly had programs that could help, Unfortunately, everyone I spoke to there was remarkably unhelpful.

Looks like I'll have to start studying on my own and hope that I can pass the test for GED. Ughh... That's depressing. A GED is only for complete dumbasses who were too stupid to graduate high school to begin with-

Oh, wait...

Enough of that for now, but check out the icon I made to vent some of my work frustrations:

That's pretty nifty right?

Speaking of icons, I think I've finally decided on a default userpic:

For now anyway, I think it kinda fits.

And now moving on to pony talk (because really, I have no friends, boyfriend, social life, hobbies excluding fanfic (which I've already talked about), valid opinions about anything, or anything important to say)

Sage is doing well. We've been increasing the amount of time we spend trotting during our rides to try to increase stamina in both of us.

She is shedding like crazy. If you've ever complained about a cat or dog getting hair all over you, all I can say is don't get a horse.

I can't wait for a warm day so I can wash her tail out. It's starting to get disgusting. It will probably be another couple of months before it will be warm enough to give her a bath, but a nice sunny day ought to be fine to clean her tail.

Speaking of clean, there is no way to say this next part without sounding dirty.

Sage finally let me clean her teats. You're supposed to clean them periodically because they get a waxy buildup of sweat and dead skin etc, but She's always been very adamant about telling me 'no means no' by kicking forward every time I try to touch them. She finally let me clean under there though. It was disgusting. Poor pony was acting rather violated but no kicking. We'll see how she does when I have to clean under her tail when I wash it.

And on that note, another story about pony molestation.

The other day someone's horse's sheath was swollen. The swelling had gone down and they were cleaning it out. Luckily her horse didn't care too much that she was handling his junk, some have to be sedated.

My sister (Have I mentioned that rides too? I'll have to post pics of her horse) and I were talking to her while she was doing this and me being the crude, smartass that I am, couldn't help but tell my young, impressionable sister that all this time she spends around horses is the reason she's going to be very disappointed in the future men in her life. Sadly I think there is some truth to that, men may be plenty fun to ride, but horses are more satisfying and they last longer.

And one more thing (if you’re still here)

I ran across a meme a little while back that kinda looked like fun:

Name me one of my fics and the prompt--before, after, in-between. I'll write a ficlet about something that happened just before, just after, or during the course of the fic's events.

Don’t expect it right away, but I could use a distraction from The Damn Fic About Nothing I Keep Getting Stuck On.

meme, icons, sage, apologizing for my existence, humor, long post is long, pointless post is pointless, #@$%ing work!, work, fanfiction, look! i used tags!, horses, gratuitous tagging, quote of the day, writing, wholelottanothin'

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