Summer is almost here!
Hopefully, anyway. Last week's snow makes me wonder if summer will ever arrive....
One thing has me hopeful that winter is at an end though:
Lookit, is't my girl pretty? See how her winter coat is almost completely sheded out?
She still has a little bit of longish hair on her side and belly, but other than that, she's all sleek and shiny.
Have some more pictures:
She looks so cute in her new bridle. The nose band is a little big, but otherwise it fits well. Some might consider the zebra patterned pad tacky, but I think it's cute. I might have to take some pictures of her wearing some of her other saddle pads sometime. She has some other super cute ones. For some reason I have collected more purple saddle blankets, and polo wraps, than any other color. Possibly because she's such a bratty, bossy, bitchy little princess like Genjo Sanzo. To the other horses anyway; I've seen her chase around horses twice her size during turnout, but she's always real sweet to me.
I pulled her mane a little short, so it'll probably be a while before I'll be able to braid it, but I did braid her tail the other day.
I'm pretty good at tails, though my manes still need some work. I'm not sure how she got the "D" on her butt. It looks like a really poorly done brand, but she has some scaring on the other side of her body and someone said they don't think it's a brand.
Anyway, just because I love showing off my pony, here are a few more shots:
Cute pony is cute.
It seems to be drying out and warming up around here, the children will be out of school soon, my pony looks resplendent in her summer coat, and I'm excited for summer.
Maybe I'll go fly a kite or something.