Converse, you are what you wear

Aug 27, 2005 00:19

You know those basketball shoes? Converse All Stars? I got a pair..not the old kind though. These ones look like more of a court shoe, like a regular basketball shoe. I like it, and they're really comfy. I put one on and was like wow. It's like there's pillows in there. I can't even feel like when they're on. I am of course exaggerating. But once I put it on I told the salesperson (instead of saying chick) who was helping me that I'd take them. A little rash on my part because they were the first pair I'd tried on but I really didn't feel like spending all day in Sport Chek, nomatter how much I like it there. Everything you need to live is in there. Tennis gear, Hockey, Shoes, clothes, Golf stuff..everything. I'm sure there's a water fountain somewhere in there, and plenty of air. Now that smoking is not allowed. I seriously love Sport Chek..if you're gonna get me a gift for my birthday get it there..or make it. Things from the heart are nice too..on occasion. Another nice store is FutureShop..although they kill you with the prices. Go anywhere else to find something and it's like 20 bucks off. Oh well, it's got everything electronical there so all you need is that one store. I got some headphones there and my mum got another phone. (Cordless, house phone). The weird thing was that it came with like, 6 different face plates. Currently it's on blue, but it may change to pink or red sometime soon. But why does a house phone need faceplates? It's not like you take it anywhere. It's not like when someone asks to use the phone they see it and say: "'s only white. I..I dunno if I can use a phone that's only white." But if they did I think it'd be pretty freaking funny.

Another thing funny is Steven. Seriously funny. You see Will moved to Abbotsford so we can only see him if we drive..but none of us have even our L's here. So I told Andy to get him and we'll all pile into a car with a sleeping Adult and go. Steven kindly pointed out that with an adult there can only be one other passenger. He failed to realize that the adult had to be awake as well, lol. But on my birthday I'm getting my L. I can't believe none of us even have it, seeing as there have been three birthdays so far. Will took his right after his birthday in May..failed. Took it three days ago..failed. And today he bragged to me that he finally got it..on his third try. Even my mom pointed out that he was a loser, lol. Andy is just too freaking lazy to go..same as Sean. Steven and me are going right after our birthdays. His is first on the 15th and mine's on the 18th (which pisses me off because I'm the youngest and makes me laugh because I'll probably have my L before Andy and Sean).

Anyways I've really been ranting. My final note is that I don't need names anymore (even though I received none) I decided for myself actually by fluke. G'night!
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