Jul 29, 2007 22:08
Hay guys, writing on this again. As I was cruising through myspace for whatever reason I was doing that, the sudden urge overcame me to post in the eljay. Life has been good so far, with a lot of ups and not so many downs. It strikes me that summer is coming to an end. But I have to say, this has probably been the best summer of my life. Except mayhaps the summer after kindergarden, I first watched the star wars trilogy then and went to Disney World. But nah, this summer has had a lot of experiences, good and bad, and I think it's one I'll remember for a long time.
As I type this I'm listening to the Ideon soundtrack, which I've been doing all day. Something about 80's super robot anime that always grabs me. But yeah, I can't say that I've "wasted" the summer away, because I really haven't. And in a way, I look forward to going back to school. It's like one of the final chapters in our book, and the next book will be college and then the rest of our lives yay. So yes senior year, I remember back when I was in like third grade, and I thought "wow, nine more years of this" and whoas, here we are at the end. Funny how time works, I can still recall my third grade classroom, the kids in it, and everything about it. In a way I'm sad that this is the end of our time together, because the people I've grown so accustomed to seeing every day for the past three years, won't be there every day after this year. But so is life, and it's not like those people will die or anything, they just won't be around as much. Yay for optimism.
Lala, yes so, I finally beat Shadow Hearts today, woo. I've found that compared to my last two summers, I haven't gamed the way I used to back then. Twelve hour marathons every day, nah don't do that anymore. Except this past week that's all I did. I need more rhythm games, if you guys can find me any I'd appreciate it.
So those spanish guys have been coming over since like, wednesday to fix up Gio's room. So far they've redone all the walls, stripped the carpet, and have painted the walls this... pinkishbrown colour that Tavo picked. Personally, I don't like it all that much, but Tavo seems to like it. So all's that left really is for them to put the tile in (which they're doing tomorrow morning), and then I guess tavo can start moving all his stuff in there. Then they're going to repaint Tavo's old room the blue colour that Ivan wants, and then he can move his crap in there. And then it'll just be me redecorating my room, and I'll finally have it all to myself.
Funny that it isn't really until my last year at home that I get my own room. I've decided that I'm going to UF for college guys, woo. As David has repeatedly said "it makes too much sense not to go there". It may not be out of state, but at this point in my life, going out of state.. isn't really something I want anymore. I know that it was something that I had really wanted since sixth grade and all that, but just like my parents said, the idea would leave me by the time I actually had to choose a school to go to. I don't want to admit that they were right, because ever since then they've told me "you won't go out of state, you'll change your mind before you go", and I'd always tell them something along the lines of "yeah well, this is something I've had my mind set on for years, it's not changing". And lo and behold, now I really, really don't want to leave at all.
Sam was asking me the other day why I changed my mind, and I didn't really know what to say to her. After thinking it over, I realized that I only really wanted to leave Florida for the sole reason that I didn't really have any friends back then. I didn't know anyone, I didn't care about anyone. The only reason I wanted to leave was because I thought that if I left somewhere else, somewhere far away, I could meet new people and erase my then-known persona of "the quiet short kid who doesn't talk ever". But as time has gone on, I've found friends and people I like here, and even moreso I have Kat now, and I don't feel the burning desire to leave anymore. Sure Florida is still hot and has sucky weather, but that's just the way it is. In a way, I think of it as an almost coming of age type story, wherein the main character (relating back to the whole last chapters thing being Senior year) has found his true self, and is at peace with who he is or something.
And lawl@you crying, I knew you would!