May 15, 2005 20:52
I stayed the night at kylies Thursday. This weekend was probably one of the best weekends ive ever had in i dont even know how long. Lemme tell you a little bit about it.
Thursday i went to kylies and had a good talk with her. Made me feel closer to her and im glad shes my friend. Cause if i wasnt id probably be dead right now. She actually understands my problems and doesnt treat me different because of them.
Friday i came home and was locked out. chilled at my neighbors till around 430ish and went home. Jordan came cause he was supposta get wood for a fire. It rained. Plans failed. Doug and Jordan came over for a bit and acted real funny. I drew on Jordans face, I Left. They Left. I went to kylies and had some drinkies. Passed out on the floor. Went to bed.
Saturday HIGHLAND PLAYED!!! they were so good. I had an uber good time. At first i was real bored. But as soon has Highland played i had sucha wonderful time that it made up for my bordness. After that we went to kylies. hah. a wonderful time for once. usually im depressed and sad but i was really happy. Actually felt like people wanted me to be there and talk to me. I was happy. I found a new bedroom in kylies house. pretty good man.
Sunday Blah Blah Blah. its okay though. hah.
I`m having troubles in the man dept. go figure cause i just suck at this. im never gonna find somethin that makes me happy. But thank you kylie for making me feel like im not such a fuck up about it. Means lots.