Application 0.2

Nov 15, 2010 17:19

micro-nation - The Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands or GLK

name - Edna Lily Savage Eddie Savage
nickname - Eddie when 'dressed up'
age - 23
date of birth - 14 September 1987 .
hometown - the Coral Sea Islands Stirling, Australia
occupation - Bouncer at Chueca stalker traumatized soul Unemployed
residence - Ocean View.
family - Parents, Lily and Dale Savage, both still alive.

True Facts~

1: Edna came out when she was 17, shortly after hearing about what had happened on the Coral Sea Islands. Her parents thought it was a phase, nor were they amused when she threatened to run away to said Isles, promptly grounding her. They have came to accept her...and her 'other half'.

2: Despite her tomboyish attitude (she was a bouncer before being arrested after all), Edna is very much 'lipstick'. Cutesy clothing (often handmade) involving hot pants with sparkly nail polish and one of her many bows and clips in her hair (the white one was a gift from her first girlfriend) is her usual look, though it's not unheard for her to run round in Victorian style clothing with a BDSM twist either. Then there is when she dresses 'masculine'.

3: This isn't simple crossdressing oh no. Some people look like they're running around in their boyfriends clothes (which is just ick!). What started out as a simple way of getting close to girls without them realizing that she was a girl who wanted to molest them has became an escape more like. With the hair pieces gone and the G-Star Raw jeans and boyish tops on, she's no longer Edna but Eddie.

4: That's not to say Eddie only ever appears when Edna dresses like that. It's not unheard of for girls that Edna had bedded the night before to wake up to a terrified Eddie hiding behind a door, apologizing furiously for Edna's 'disappearance' before hiding in his own room until the unfortunate woman leaves. Indeed, the difference in personalities is almost like 180. Edna is definitely the more out going and dominate (as she is the original) of the two personalities. If they're being blunt but with a serve clumsy streak (once walked into a 10 foot wall, doesn't matter that they were reading a map at the time...they still walked into a 10 FOOT WALL!) as well stalker tendencies then it's Edna you're dealing with. If they're easily flustered, over apologetic and shying away from human contact then it's Eddie. What this actually means, most are too scared to think about. The contrast in personalities has often lead to friction between the pair, especially when Eddie gains any friends that Edna does not approve of.

5: Case and point, Feliks...or, if you're Edna, Felix. Originally one of Edna's many crushes until she realized that she was really a he, she instantly developed a sense of hatred/jealousy for the guy (most because he look too fucking good as a girl!) and often tormented him, even though he never actually knew who she was or why she acted like that towards him. Eddie, after stumbling upon the Pole while trying to replace the clothes that Edna had used making clothes for herself, however enjoyed Feliks' company. Edna's response, to say the least, was extreme eventually resulting in a red dye bomb on the poor sods house.

Naturally, Edna was caught and, between that and various stalking she had done, was sent to an all female jail were she made all the woman her bitch.

6: Granted, stalking and dye bombs aren't the only reason Edna has had problems with the law. She also has this habit of declaring war on anyone Australian despite being so herself to show support to the GLK. One of her main targets was a guy called Logan. Oh she did anything to him. Flour bomb, water bomb, kick up the arse, kick in the balls even tried to steal his koala (which didn't go well). Whenever she was caught she claimed to be a political activist rather than insane.

7: A bit more on the stalking. Edna doesn't do crushes in the usual sort of manner (mainly, get all flustered whenever they appear, watch them with dreamy eyes...) no she stalks them. And I mean stalk them. Ask her about her crushes and she can probably tell you their favourite show, the usual things they buy from the shops, the colour they most often wear, what their national insurance number is and other things she really shouldn't know. But that's not all, oh no, there's also the journals and the shrines dedicated to each crush. Many a time has Eddie shivered in revulsion as (while wearing rubber gloves of course) he picks up such things as the remains of hair trimmings, solid pieces of chewing gum and, after handling he had to spend an hour washing himself, a used tampon.

8: Eddie, on the other hand, doesn't get crushes or understand why people would have a crush on him. He was originally just a persona to get girls' attention after all so that might be why he struggles to understand some of the emotions that head his way. Usually whenever people proclaim their feelings towards him he will try and let them down gently or run away if they don't give up. Since prison, however, Eddie is more likely to burst into tears.

9: Like the streets of Liberty, the internet is something they both share in, even having the same blog which is often treated like an electronic post-it-note, especially by Eddie whenever he's been dealing with things. And, just like in real life, it's easy to tell them apart even if they both comment on the same thing. If it's not their differing veiws (Edna will be the über Liberal one) then it's their manner of speech. The shorthand and smiley riddled one will be Edna wile the more long winded (and more likely to be spelt correctly) one will be Eddie.

10:  The first thing that Eddie did once they left prison? Buy Edna a pet, a Manx kitten (named Bobbie by Eddie because of her tail) to be precise. The reasoning was that, if Edna had something she could focus some of her energy on then she would be less likely to terrorize the female population of Liberty (and Feliks/Felix). Whether or not this is working is yet to be seen and though Bobbie is pretty much spoilt by the pair, she seems to be clinger of Eddie.

Shame he's not about more often...


Edna: Though she would never admit it, the fact that Eddie has been getting more and more...quiet since they went to jail, scares Edna. Due to her other half's OCD like tendencies, she has came to depend on him for most house hold chores, cleaning, cooking, making sure bills are paid on time, etc. The only thing she's really good at is sewing up new clothes...she wouldn't even know her parents number if Eddie hadn't scattered it everywhere to remind her.

How is she going to survive if he...well...

Eddie: Prison, now there's an experience Eddie would like to forget. When it's been drilled into your part of the subconscious that you are male, having various woman fail to understand your problems and often touch you inappropriately is a very distressing experience. The fact that he has always been the more submissive of the two personalities has meant his usual low self confidence is pretty much gone and is prone to fleeing any large female presence for a male one much to Edna's horror. Most of it's down to confusion, I mean, why would woman touch him like that if he's so obviously a guy?!

Writing Sample~

Edna (307 words): It was that time again. Hair cut time, not for Edna personally (she knew a wonderful freelancer who would not only do her legs but...other things) but for one of her loves. It amused her that, despite her stint in prison, it was still the same hairdresser that this one went to, just where the main road through Gallery Square reached Huayuan.

A dinky looking place on the outside but bright and flamboyant on the inside, and that was just the hairdressers themselves.

Trying to merge in a bit more with the crowd, she watches as her love enters the store. A kiss on both cheek for the receptionist before dramatic hand gestures began, most likely about what had happened at rave the other night (the DJ at the event was pretty hot if Edna actually thought about it). Her love laughed (oh she would do anything to hear that musical sound right now) at something before her attention was grabbed by her usual hairdresser.

Mackayla, a woman who's long, curly fringe always seemed to be a different colour. This time it was green.

A few more hand gestures, this time about what was happening to her love's hair. It would probably be the usual, no matter how hard Mackayla tried, cut and blow dry with a couple of inches off to neaten the ends. Sometimes there was a couple of auburn highlights if her love happened to have some sort of due within the next week and a half. But not this time so it should only be about an hour before her love walked out looking more gorgeous than usual.

Pouting as her love moved to the back of the shop, and out of her view, Edna looked at her watch. She could go and have some delicious anmitsu in the Royal Cafe and be back in time.

Hmmmm, pretty maids...

Eddie (260 words): 'Breath, Eddie. Slow and deep.' The thought had been running desperately through the boy's head since he woke up not even a minute ago as he tried not to squirm away from the strange woman in his bed.

No, in Edna's bed.

Why oh why did she keep doing this to him? Couldn't they have some magical way for her to give him a warning beyond waking up? Managing to remain calm even as the woman managed to pull him close (why oh why did most of Edna's one nighters have to have such large...), Eddie slowly crawled out of the bed, resisting the urge to sob in horror at the fact he was...naked and scrambled to the door and into his own room. Pyjamas on and however long it took for the woman to finally wake for Eddie to compose himself into something that wasn't going to burst into tears on cue.

"Edna darling, where are you?"

'Don't shiver, think of...pleasant that banana hot chocolate you had the other day. No? How abo-'


A high pitch squeak escaped Eddie's throat as the voice disturbed his thoughts and he hurried back to Edna's room. Well, to stand behind the door to Edna's room. "I-I'm sorry." He began, nervously poking his head round the wooden frame only to hide again when he discovered that the woman had gotten out of the bed and was naked (which only made it more important that he washed as soon as the woman left), "But Edna's not here right now. She's...She's..."

How on earth would he explain it this time?

i am: eddie, !type: application, !facts, i am: edna, !ooc

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