1. Chose a vid, or two, or three, or however many you wish, that you started once upon a time but never did finish. Whether it was because the muse or inspiration left you, or someone else did the song, or you never found the time, or just ended up not liking it---no matter the reason! Show them to us! Through download or stream, it doesn't matter.
2. Tell us that reason you abandoned it. Why did it get shelved, or tossed into the rubbish bin? Why didn't you finish it? Did you ever plan to go back to it? Tell us about it!
3. Tag people! Meh, do it or don't.
A couple of these are vids I was close to finishing before my computer broke the last time, I didn't add the ones I thought I'd actually finish, or ones I thought I'd post if I did. I may take these down at some point due to their Unfinished Nature.
IN YOUR ROOM - Gaius/Head-Six (BSG)
Find more videos like this on BAM Vid Vault This was one of the ones I'd started before my computer crashed the last time, it's un finishable for multiple reasons, including the current footage on my computer (the bits I don't have the DVDS for) being unvidable and given the ending of the show I don't think I could give it a proper ending.
WITHOUT ME - The Master, Master/Doctor(ish) (Doctor Who)
Find more videos like this on BAM Vid Vault This was the other Main One that I lost and emoed about when my computer last died. I would have restarted it (I have another I restarted and it's better than it was and very far along. May even be finishable, but I need to see the end of Ten's era before I decide) Anyway, this was probably the one I was most sad to lose, but I really couldn't even FIND (let alone store) all of these old school episodes again.
COIN OPERATED BOY - Alex/Gene/Evan (Ashes to Ashes)
Find more videos like this on BAM Vid Vault This one is theoretically still finishable, but I started it right before the second season began and the small window of me wanting to vid series one faded. Though I'm apparently in the mood to vid Ashes to Ashes right now, so who knows.
WILD WILD WEST - Jessica (Heroes)
Find more videos like this on BAM Vid Vault This vid was the whole reason I BOUGHT season one of Heroes. I was mostly mad at the show and just gave up (I mean the basically retconed her character out, so whatever). It's one I'd like to finish, but probably wouldn't.
LOVE ETC. - Helena Peabody (The L Word)
Find more videos like this on BAM Vid Vault This was my most recent 'abandoned' vid. I actually could see myself finishing it, but I don't know the series (apparently) as well as I'd need to to finish it and haven't had time to re-watch it (as it needs 5 seasons). I wouldn't be opposed to directing another vidder who knows the show better than me, but I doubt I could do it alone.