Free at last! Free at last!~ Thank God all mighty i'm Free at last! (for 2 weeks anyways)

Dec 16, 2005 22:38


Everything today was great except for my math quiz, Tower's class was fun and I'm glad he liked my gift :) This year I gave out so much stuff...I like giving things to people, but I think I've used up least one paycheck for gift buying, if not more and my family is complaining that i need to save all my money...>>;...oh well...

I also had this extremely sickeningly weird was a pron involving Alex V, Carmen L, and me...and i feel ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for Alex V...haven't really even talked to him before...but uh...the dream....lets just say everytime I see Alex now I mentally when I woke up from the dream I could still taste the stuff in my mouth...twas REALLY don't want to hear the details. (= _ =); I think all that random pron I've seen is starting to get to me haha...alex...*gag*

OK well I told myself that I would buy myself a christmas present and I decided to buy the "Taiko Drumming Master" game by konami...just cause it's so uber super awesome! Then I also need to get the midi out/in cord for CP...haha those two things are...gonna be about $90...damnit...-_-; At least I'll be getting a paycheck next thursday! haha...

P.S. JHS lost to Bothell horribly both boys and girls basketball...hopefully we'll do better >>;
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