#cliffpoints start tomorrow!

Aug 12, 2009 15:08

Hey peoples! Wanna have a chance to win an undetermined prize for giving me attention? Play #cliffpoints!

What are #cliffpoints, you ask?
Why, simple! #cliffpoints are my encouraging people to pay attention to me, be it e-contact on social media sites, instant messaging, and physical interactions. Basically, it's encouraging people to keep in contact with me, with the potential to be rewarded.

How do I earn them?
By leaving me facebook, aim(LVPlayerCliff/MCCliffB), myspace(nightlyphilosopher/mccliffb), email(cwilfong@bethanywv.edu/macmancliff@yahoo.com), LiveJournal(www.teh_cliffery.livejournal.com) messages, as well as texts, tweets(mc_cliff_b), referring people to the music myspace (tell them when they add me, to put your name in the "send a message" field that you referred them), introducing me to new bands, and also two bonus #cliffpoints opportunities, random trivia about me and whatever I feel like doing for the other one, like "tell me a joke, funniest wins bonus #cliffpoints.

When can I earn them?
The first #cliffpoints competition starts tomorrow, August 13th, and goes through the 28th.

What can I win?
Well, loyal friends, I don't know yet. Perhaps some nifty art piece I make, or some type of prize, minimum value of $30. The more people that play, the better the prize.

How do I sign up?
Just ask! Say, "hey, I wanna play #cliffpoints!"

So, sign up today to have the best shot at winning!
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