Dec 15, 2006 15:30
Well another semester is finished at NIU. And, thankfully, it has again been an academicly successful one. I would have liked to obtain a "B" letter grade in my Computer Science 440 class, but it was not ment to be I guess. I'm relieved though that I passed the class because this completes all my required classes for the Computer Science major! yayae! :D
It leaves only an "Intro to Management" class and a 400 level Computer Science elective next semester and then I get my degree!!! w000t yaye z0mg roflcopter!1!2!1!!eleven :D :D :D
Dunno what my new GPA is yet, i'd like to get it above a 3.0 before I graduate. I'm close though, I think i'm hovering somewhere around 2.8.