Definitely a must-read

Sep 06, 2005 20:29

Sick of Lamphere? Read this.

Already in school. Yes, finally a senior, pretty happy about that. As for my classes, not too sure if I'm happy with them...especially psychology. I fail to see how/why Mr. Belyea is even allowed to say he teaches the class. Is this possible?

--Which brings me to my next topic!--

Sometimes I don't feel like wearing shoes.

I was in school and I thought ... "Well, if girls can show up to school half naked, then I don't have to wear shoes."

Yeah, I did read the rule book to see if I could get in trouble for this. Unfortunately, shoes are required in school. But so are clothes. So if they can get away with showing up to school with their cleavage and ass hanging out, then my feet can be naked.

It's official, no shoes for Al. And if they send me to the office, I'll let them know what I think about this whole "naked" deal. Maybe we can work something out, huh?

Dear Lamphere,

I understand that 3 of your staff members retired last year. Congratulations on hiring ONE new teacher! But wait...what about the other two teachers we need to replace?  Are we honestly that poor? Nope...Lamphere's definitely not poor.

If you can buy a new set of computers TWO YEARS after you already bought a new set...if you are able to purchase completely new media and software...if you're able to pay teachers enough so that they can afford that $350 skirt they wanted from Nordstrom that one night... I'm sure you could hire at least one more teacher instead of handing out random classes to teachers who can't even teach them *cough* psychology *cough*.

I refuse to be in a learning environment where I can't even read a chapter without having to read the whole paragraph over again, let alone think. Right, not only are the kids out of hand, but the teacher won't SHUT THE FUCK UP himself.

Please take my thoughts into consideration, not like you'll give a shit.

Bite me,

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