So, Devastating Family Crises has happened to Father. Said father then tells Me not to worry about it. Me don't worry about it, since Me can't do anything to Remedy the Situation and worrying would only do Damage to my Grades, which would cause another Devastating Family Crises, trust Me. Said not worrying is hampered when Father continually tells Me Depressing Happenings that have happened to him. Me go 'gwah' at Father for his counter-productive rantings. Me slam head onto Keyboard and other Hard Objects. Me butcher English Language because my braincells die from stupid intake. Me end rant.
Me love you long time?
Though, seriously, don't expect a birthday thing at my dad's house this year. Not unless you want to trespass. Belle wants to know if I want to do something at the place we're moving to, which has yet to be decided, found, etc. I told her yes, but now I kind of don't want to. I am waiting to see if I change my mind by the beginning of March. I will not be at all shocked if my dad and Belle end up living with Paul.
Perhaps, as a birthday present (March 20), someone wants to me Awesome Fanfic Smut?