All you two people ever wanted to know about me.

Dec 09, 2009 22:29

Reply to this post saying "I want to be amazing!" and I will ask you five questions to guide you through the process.

These are my responses.

Via ejecthefloppy :

1. What was it that first interested you to the Rebecca/Kaiba ship? I.e., was it a particular piece of fic/art that you found that intrigued you to it, something inspired by the show (even if they don't have any canon encounters, I believe GRAND PRIX IS A LIE I SWEAR), or was it an idea of your own?

Well, it actually started as a comedic story line in my head. Basically, it would go like this: Joey, Tristan, and Tea are less than pleased about Rebeca hanging all over them. They realize that she wouldn;t be around ALL THE TIME, cockblocking Tea, if she liked someone else. As they are trying to think up their target, Kaiba comes around for some plot-related reason and is an ass. It's about decided from there. They manage to convince Rebecca that Kaiba has his admirable qualities, Kaiba is displeased by this development, hilarity ensues.

And then an online friend of mine needed help with some plot points in her story. Having Rebecca on the brain, as usually happens when I get an idea in my head, I suggested she add her into your cast list, to create (non-sexual, in this case) tension between her and Kaiba. She actually made Rebecca a stripper, which was pretty interesting, and I proceeded to write my own fic about those two, though with a different plot than what I had originally thought of.

2. What's your favorite movie? Genre? Actor? And why.

Movies and actors are a bit different for me. I like a lot, but they all hold equal placing in my heart. Favorite movie of the year? Tied between Zombieland and The Men Who Stare at Goats.

I am really digging Jane Lynch lately. (She plays Coach Sue Sylvester on Glee!) Pretty much everyone on Glee! They are all s talented.

3. Anything you would've done differently had you had creative control over Naruto (manga or anime)?

I would make the narrative treat its female characters with respect. When I made Sakura a badass in the beginning of Shipuuden, I would not then proceed to completely ignore her after her character arc. And when the plot did come back to her, I would not then undo all of the character building I did in said arc.

More unclothed Kakashi.

Made some other Shinobi (ANY other Shinobi) kill one of the Pein bodies instead of fucking Konohamaru. We're talking about a ninja that killed Kakashi, but fucking Konoharmaru could take him out? With a Rasengan?! Something Kakashi KNOWS HOW TO DO?!?!


4. What's your favorite musical? Favorite song from said musical?

Why don't you ask me who my favorite friend is? I'll make this as specific as I can: the one by Stephen Sondheim. (Yes, I'm one of those broadway fans, lol.)

5. Han Solo versus Captain Kirk, fists, blasters, and phasers alone, who wins?

We do. During the course of the fight, alien spores get into them both. Alien sex-inducing spores.

Via kira_lawliet :

1) What writer(s) have had an influence on your own style of writing?

I don't know abut style, because I write things down as I see them in my head, but writers that have had an influence on the way I think are numerous. Scott Westerfeld and Isaac Asimov got me thinking in a very scientific way. Christopher Buckley (and a little bit of Duglas Adams) are my comedy heroes. Margaret Atwood is astonishing at female character develpment.

2) What are your five favorite fandoms, and why?

YGO. As dorky and embarassing it is for me to admit, I will probably stick with this fandom a very, very long time. I dn't play the card game, nor have I ever had any desire to do so, but the characters of the anime always had me intrigued. I very much related to Kaiba, whose skepticism about magic led him to be scolded almost cnstantly by the main characters. I don't think I even realized at the time, but I'm pretty sure he helped me think it was ok to be an atheist (even though in the very last episode, he admits there might be magic. It's ok by me, though, because in this series, magic is a fact, and countless experiences have been shown to him). Plus he's such a badass, and such an inspiring character. I actually can't name a character I really dislike, though the Kaiba bros. are my favorite. And dude, YGO cntains my OTP of OTPs: Kaiba/Rebecca. YGO also afforded me the first community I felt accepted into. I made a lot of friends and experienced so much because of this fandom.

Naruto. Yes, it has its ups and downs, but I made a lot friends through it. I got exposed to a lot of great literature because of it. Hell, I created my LiveJournal account to comment on a Naruto fan fiction!

Right now, I'm going to say Glee! It hilarious and crazy, while being thought provoking. It has amazing characters, and awesome writing. It has Jane motherfucking Lynch. Not to mention it's the only show right now that's a musical.

The Last Apprentice. Undoubtedly one of my smallest fandoms, if there even is one, I have a need to read these stories. Feminist themes? Check. Skeptic themes? Check. Complex, awesome characters who have a little of good and bad in them? Check. I think this is a great book for kids to read, though I kind of hope it doesn't get much notoriety. If Harry Potter got flak for its use of magic, TLA will be hated for promoting "godlessness."

Fringe/Burn Notice. So fucking much. They are the two TV shows I feel sad about missing on the TV, even when I know I can catch them online.

3) Where do you see yourself in five years?

Hopefully working as an accountant or in banking or such like. More than likely single, or at least not seriously involved. Hopefully without children. I hope I still keep in touch with you guys (the twins), and I hope I'm still writing, or at least day dreaming.

4) Who do you think have had the biggest influences in your life?

Definitely my mother. Most of my trust issues and self esteem issues can be directly traced to her. Second biggest is my father, who taught me that there is more than one way to live life, and to value information and knowledge. The two taught me, by having such radically different world views, to consider a subject thoroughly, and see both sides of the issue. And also not to believe everything you are told, just because a person you like, trust, or even love tells you. See if it makes sense for you.

5) Besides watching porn (lol), what website(s) do you tend to frequent during the night hours?

The same that I do in the day hours. LJ, Cracked, Facebook, [school website], my webcomics. I do things based on neccesity, convenience, and priority, not by a time table. xD However, porn watching is usually restricted to times when I know I'm not going to be caught/interrupted, and actually are not that often. (I am not including ff smut in this. I read those whenever they are offered to me, and I can read them. Hell, I read most of The Window in church. I'm pretty sure you did, too.)

I am sorry for my lack of updates lately. Between Thanksgiving and major grades, I've been pretty busy. I start vacation next Tuesday, so I'll have plenty of time to annoy the hell out of you all. And special thanks to ladybastet92 for her lovely virtual gift! Happy Holidays, everybody!

me!, fandom, real life, glee, naruto, meme, burn notice, fringe, yugioh

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