134th Howl

Apr 03, 2008 20:42

So, now that the boss is gone, I'm supposing the lab is shut down and we're all out of jobs?  If so, someone really needs to properly dispose of all the various... things kept down there.  I know people can come back in this place but some of that stuff shouldn't be just lying around, somewhat secure sight or not.

Guess I'll have to look for another job.  I really enjoyed that one too.

[Private to Self/Unhackable]

Fuck, just when I could have used a nice distraction like work.  Damn it, why did she have to go and do that?  I won't go through that again.  I'm not holding what the other Anita did against this one.  Even if it had been a completely different woman... I won't go down that road again.  Which, according to all her friends, makes me an insecure asshole.  Of course, when I forgave the other Anita over and over again for being with other guys, I was a heel.  Can't win for losing.

Grah, I just want to... rip the throat out of something with my teeth.

I need to hunt.

[ooc: If anyone would like to meet up with werewolf!Richard in the woods while he hunts, they're welcome to.]
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