127th Howl

Mar 12, 2008 21:25

So it was interesting to learn how selfish some people could be.  Anita, you didn't even tell me you were going to try something to regrow your arm, then get mad when I can't leave because I still have control issues with that much blood.  And I didn't even leave, I just had to go into another room and you still bitch me out.  And can't you ever just say what you want or mean?  I love you more than anything else, but everything has to be so damned cryptic and vague with you like I'm trying to solve the fucking Di Vinci  Code.  And the next day, you say you're sorry but do you say anything to maybe counteract what you said the day before?  No, just that you were angry and want to pretend like on a day when women were saying whatever was on their mind all day you couldn't say one positive thing about me.  Not one.  You're beautiful and are wonderfully stubborn, but sometimes I wonder if you see just how far you can push me.

Cheza, I can't be everywhere at once.  Sometimes, people just have to deal with and take care of things themselves.  And it pissed me off to hear you say that when I'm doing my best and no one seems to notice I might be dealing with some personal shit that doesn't let me go run around making sure everything else is okay.  I'm sorry I was so cross with you yesterday, I promise I forgive you and I won't be angry with you about that anymore.

I know a lot of people think I have no backbone because of all I "put up with" from my wife, but I really don't care.  Anita was and is the best thing to ever happen to me and I'll forgive a lot to keep her in my life.  Not everything, but a lot.

I thought Saya had a gorgeous voice even though the one time she sang to me I was drugged out of my mind and I wish she would sing more.

I also once conspired with Alucard to turn a dinosaur at the zoo into a vampire dinosaur and we only didn't do it because it turns out none of them were virgins.  I usually think about that when I need to smile.


Oh joy, it looks like the men are cursed now.  Damn it.  Well, I'm not ashamed of anything I said.
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