1- I am listning to Teenage dirtbag ( oldskool )
2- I dont want a birthday this year
3- i still hvae ALOT of easter eggs left from easter!
4- I used to have an imaginary friend.... No wait... i still do! :0
5- I am secretly (or not anymore) still partially in love with sombody i shouldnt be!
6- I think Paris Hilton is a mole!
7- I like cheese! ( and ham as jesse would say!)
8- I dislike try hards ALOT!
9- Im a bit scared of what might happen between me and Andrew!
10- I ahve a fluffy white kitten who's sitting on my lap!
11- I am so over doing this now!
12- I have two bangles on my right arm!
13- I still sleep with a teddy on my bed!
14- I have never before broken a bone!
15- I love netball, and wish to play pro. for Australia one day!
16- I'm a footy nut, i love it lots! Hawthorn is the best team... EVER! (in my opinion)
17- I really miss Joshie alot :( And still cry every night...
18- I have alot of things that i genrally keep to myself, i dont tell anybody anymore.
19- I hate people hating me, but i love to cause conflict!
20- I LOVE ANDREW!!!!!! :D :D:D
3 mins
I tag Carly, Joel and Andy!