(no subject)

Dec 28, 2005 00:50

I like being home. I just have issues.

- I don't like going to bed. I think its because bed is so far away right now. I'm in my mom's basement on the computer, and in order to go to bed, I have to log off AOL, which is a pain in the ass, climb a flight of stairs, brush my teeth, change into pjs, and get into bed, which is lonely and cold, as the entire house is cold. I then have to worry about whether or not my clothes are on the floor or in reach of the cat or dog who can each destroy them in their own ways.

- I also have issues with other people in the house. My mom falls alseep at 6pm, yet remains on the couch until 1am. Random noises wake her up, except for me saying "you should go to bed."

- Elena and Mom also have a knack for walking really loudly on wood floors. I probably do the same thing. It just irritates me when I'm tired.

- Both my mom and dad's internets suck eggs. My mom gets mad anytime ANYONE mentions dialup being slower than any kind of connection ever. She gets REALLY mad. Her TV sucks too. I'm not saying that she needs to have good TV and good internet to entertain me, but when she falls asleep at 6pm every night.... its kinda nice.

- Cellphone reception also sucks way out here in nowheresville.

- I also have a guilt complex. I feel guilty because I can never entertain my mom enough to keep her awake. I feel guilty because I don't like my dad's house. It can't describe the cigarette smoke and dog smell unpleasantness. And there is no where to sit where you won't get covered in dog hair.

- I also feel guilty because I cannot seem to entertain my dad. And he cannot seem to try to entertain us. Me anyway. He does stuff with elena because she's home.

- I got bowling shoes today. Thats exciting.

- I'm very glad that Zendon and Michael get along. Like each other even. We had a lot of fun bowling and stuff.

- I tend to be lazy at home. Everything and everyone seems far away. I also seem to lose my voice when I'm home. Maybe I just get bitchy. Maybe I stay up too late and getting irritable. I think thats it.

- Despite me being lazy and irritable, I look forward to hearing from people..

- On a sad note, my great-uncle died. He was my grandma's sister's husband. We were supposed to get married.
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