One shot (What if we never met?)

Feb 07, 2013 23:57

Title:What if we never met?





Warning:Yaoi and loads of errors.

SPOILER: Yamato Nadeshiko-ish. Imagine Yabu as Kyohei, Hikaru as Takenaga, Daiki as Yuki, Takaki as Ranmaru and Inoo Kei as Sunako Nakahara. BUT! the only difference is Inoo in this story is a crybaby.

-Originally this fic was for Yabu Kota's 23rd birthday but being a useless shipper, *very proud* I failed again at it. So now it became a Valentine fic. Happy hearts day everyone! To those who will have interest in reading this. Thank you and please don't forgot to leave a comment~ Silent readers are appreciated too :D

"Yabu kun seriously?! The cute little guy who seems not his age exclaimed after seeing a pale guy, whose hands are tied with a rope, sitting in front of the four of them.

"This is the only way for him not to escape" The lanky guy smirked then turned to the man behind him.

"Takaki it is your turn now"

"Okay, where will I start first?" Takaki observes the guy sitting on the stool for a moment before proceeding on what he would do but when Yabu's impatience is building up, (because Takaki is taking so much time just for thinking) he thought of deciding what to do. Yabu grabbed another stool and some rubber bands.

"Are you gonna hit him with that stool? Not so clever idea Yabu Kota" Yaotome Hikaru commented with so much calmness evident on his voice. The older guy just shrugged at the remark.

"Hey are you alive?" Yabu asked after sitting at the stool he dragged in front of the pale looking guy but got no response at all.

"Listen, I'll tie your fringes up. I want to see your face" Yabu took out the rubber bands from his pocket and tried to tie the hair up of the guy but he suddenly shook his head so the scrawny lad wouldn't succeed with his plan.

"Ah! So stubborn!" Yabu groaned. Hikaru stood up from his seat and involves himself to the scene.

"Oi Yabu" Yabu noticed as Hikaru, who was standing standing behind the dark haired guy, holds the guy's jaw to prevent him from stubbornly shaking his head.

"Yabu kun be gentle with him" Daiki, with a little worry on his face, reminded the older guy.

"You're making it sounds like I would be raping him" Yabu laughed then continued his so called plan.Then, it was revealed. The face of the guy was revealed. Though he was sweating a bit and been death glaring at the guy in front of him, Yabu could say that he indeed is beautiful.

"What will you do to me?" For the first time, the guy spoke.

"Inoo sama told us that to be able to have a free rent here, we should transform you to a fine and lovely young man. Obviously, like me" Takaki flashed a smile. Daiki Arioka tiptoed so he can whack the head of the playful blonde guy but unfortunately failed. Takaki is too tall for him.

"Aaaaaaaaaah! It's so frustrating to have this height!" Daiki sulked in a corner but got startled when Takaki crouched beside him.

"You can hit me now cutie" Takaki winks at a still pouting Daiki.

"Player!" The short guy gave Takaki a forceful slap on the face that made the for the taller guy to faked cry. That scene caused for everyone to laugh except for Yabu who is still staring at the guy chuckling in front of him.


Nani kore? I didn't know that a smile can make someone this energized.WAIT! Why am I getting too excited?

"What's your name?" Yabu cleared his throat so the guy would notice his existence.

"Inoo" With his deep black orbs, Kei hesitantly gazed at Yabu who finds the younger action cute.

"Inoo what?" Takaki butted in.

Yabai! I can feel my blood rushing to cheeks. Yabu Kota don't freaking blush in front of this guy!



"Huh?" Kei tilted his head to the side, waiting for Yabu to complete what he is trying to say.


"Your forehead is big" That caught the attention of Takaki and Daiki which made the two laugh again upon realizing that Yabu is true. Inoo froze to his seat.

UWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! I messed up with that!Inoo chan is frowning! What have I done? Baka Yabu! Baka!

"Yabu you're being too rude" Hikaru rolled his eyes and Yabu saw the bitch side of the guy but what truly caught the his attention is the hands of Hikaru still caressing Inoo's jaw.

Damn this asshole! Why is his hands still on Inoo's face? Why am I cursing Hikaru?

"I'm not being rude Yaotome. Now get your hands off of him"

"Calm down. I'm just helping you. Minutes ago you're being rude but now you're being possessive" Hikaru smirks while his hands leaving the jaw of the pale guy.

"I'm not being possessive. I'm just pointing out that your job assisting me is done. now, let me handle him" Yabu stood up then gestured Inoo to do the same but the guy ignored him. Still not gaining Inoo's trust.

"Hey come with me"

"Why would I go with you?" Inoo said, lips trembling.


"Because I want to!" Yabu yelled while giving Inoo a piercing glare.

"You just told everyone that my forehead is big" Inoo sniffs. Can't able to control his stubborn tears.

"Seriously?!" Takaki let out some annoying giggles. It's a first time for him seeing such a crybaby. Yabu blinked at the scene.

"Oh! I forgot something in my room. Better check it now" Hikaru said then turned to Takaki and Daiki, hoping that they got the hint.

"I remember there's this cool right now. Let's watch it" Daiki invited Takaki.

"But we don't have a television" Takaki pouted.

"BAKA! Just come with me" Daiki kicked Takaki Yuya for being slow at understanding the situation. They decided to leave Yabu. After all, it his mess. He created the scene so he should also be the one responsible for fixing it.

"You owe me one Yabu kota" Before completely leaving the living room, Hikaru gave Yabu a thumbs up.

"How can those idiots left me here? I thought they said we're a team!" Yabu hissed but his sight suddenly landed on the still sobbing figure in front. With a hand scratching the back of his head, Yabu wipes the tears continuously flowing to Inoo's cheeks.

"Sorry. Making you cry wasn't really my intention. I hope you can forgive me" Yabu murmured, not minding if the pale guy heard it or not. After a few minutes, the sobs stopped.

"I want to eat chocolates" staring at Yabu with his puffy red eyes, Inoo pleaded.


He never thought that he will be staying that long inside a very unfamiliar room where the only source of light comes from a 32 inches HDTV. Yabu Kota closes his eyes every time a head, an arm, leg, or any partof the human body was slashed apart from its owner. For the first time, Yabu hated HD quality. Anyone surely wouldn't say NO to HD but the one they are watching is GORE. Freaking gore movie.

"Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood" Like a ritual, Yabu heard Inoo mumbling while eating a bar of chocolate. The sight ahead of him is more entertaining than the movie that is playing. It wasn't because the genre of the movie is far from Yabu's liking. Maybe half true. Still, there is nothing amusing than a guy wearing such a beautiful face, sitting so close in front of a television which plays a bloody movie because it is his way of making his self happy.

"Why don't you cut that bitch's head off?!" Inoo cursed the scary looking villain on the film but his movie watching was interrupted by a loud laugh, coming from no other than Yabu Kota.

"What's funny?" Inoo paused the movie then turn his head to Yabu's side, giving the older guy questioning looks.

"You" Yabu started laughing again.

"You're starting again to make fun of me" Tears are slowly forming at Inoo's eyes.

"Oi don't get me wrong!" Yabu panics.

"I'm laughing because I was amused. It is so unusual to meet someone like you" with so much sincerity, he looked at Inoo straight to his eyes.


Yabu Kota is a lonely guy. His parents abandon him because of all the lunatic girls who are head over heels in love with him. It was big trouble, especially to his mother, to have such a beautiful child. Normally, mothers would be proud to be known as a bearer of an ikemen but it was opposite for his mother. It was a traumatic experience. His mother and father looks are just average so having that kind of child is somehow what they call MIRACLE.

About his popularity, Yabu is one of the reason why women would lose their voices from screaming the guy's name and yelling a plead for him to marry them. He's also the reason why every Valentines day is a dump day for the rest of his admirers. He'll be always dumping all the admirers that would courageously confess at him. His reason for doing such act? No one knows.

But now, he's stuck inside a room with a crybaby. Originally, his mission is to transform Inoo to a fine man (in order to have a free rent inside the mansion) but it was his feeling instead, suddenly transformed into *coughs a bit* love.

"Inoo san, may I ask your name? Or perhaps, angels have no names, only beautiful faces" Yabu remembered that he still doesn't know the name of the guy. Inoo dropped the chocolate he is eating then let out some giggles.

"You're funny Yabu san" Upon mentioning the other guy's name, Inoo realized that he, too, doesn't know the name of the guy he is having a conversation with. Inoo only knew Yabu's face. Who wouldn't know the face of the most popular guy in their town?

So he thought I was joking

"It is Kei. Inoo kei"

"Yabu Kota. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu"

"Yabu san" Even though they already knew each other's name, Inoo still chose not to be that familiar with Yabu. The fact that he just met Yabu for only a couple of hours is the reason.

"I'm just wondering, why are you always staring at me?" Inoo continued. His word are filled with innocence.

"Because I can see my whole life in your eyes" Without a stutter, Yabu finished his sentence.

"What do you mean?" Inoo went closer to Yabu, wearing a face full of curiosity.

"My whole life. My past, my present and most of all, my future" Yabu tried to act cool even though his heart is crazily beating so fast like it is ready to jump out of its cage soon.

"I still don't get it" While bringing his knees near to his chest, Inoo pouted. After letting out a long sigh, he calmly answers the guy.

"You know, I'm scared of walking out of this room and never feeling the rest of my whole life the way I feel when I'm with you"

"Yabu san why don't you make it clearer?" Inoo asked with a smile on his face.

"I like you" without any hesitation, Yabu blurted out three meaningful words- his real feelings.

"Me? Why? I mean, you're quite popular so probably there's a lot of admirers to choose from. I'm just someone with a lot of flaws" Inoo knew that he's not making any sense but he can't prevent his cheeks for painting itself deep crimson.

"I want you, that's all. All your flaws, mistakes, smiles, giggles, jokes, sarcasms, everything. I just want you" Yabu, who found a new hobby which is admiring the deep black orbs of Inoo Kei, grins madly.

"How about Arioka san? Takaki san or Yaotome san? They are more appealing than me" Inoo replied without looking at the person he is talking to.

"It doesn't matter what you looks like. I mean, you're already the most beautiful in the world in my eyes" Yabu felt hopeless. He's having a feeling that Inoo might reject his confession. He's starting to get scared, maybe it is his karma for breaking the heart of many girls.

"Please be mine.FOREVER It might sound so selfish but Yabu let his feelings took over as he quickly wrapped the pale guy into his arms.

"I'll be yours forever" Yabu's eyes widen. Can't believed of what he heard from Inoo. By pulling away from the embrace given by Yabu, Inoo faced the older guy.

"Just tell me when to start"


Okay. Everyone, you can kill me now if I can't give you a good story >_____< GOMEN!

what if we never met?, yabunoo, one shot

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