Oct 05, 2015 16:20

“Let’s talk about everyday Heroes
Ordinary people like you and I
People who do not always win
But are always willing to try.”

So, we have this little activity at the office where we can show appreciation to someone we're considering our everyday hero.
We will write our note/message in a dedication card then we'll get a balloon to give to that hero.
Of course, my first thought was.... I GOTTA GIVE IT TO TEGOSHI! (i know~ i know~ HAHA)
But no.... T^T it should be someone from the office.
I even got a pink balloon...

photo credit to inala

He is really my hero... together with NEWS! LOL
Well, i ended up giving it to my immediate supervisor. Hehe~
She's really so understanding.
I wanted to thank her for not giving me any disciplinary action/memo
when i didnt go to work for a few days because im feeling so down (i think i got depressed for a while.. heh~)
Not to mention those absences were after i took a week off due to someone passing away. :(
Anyways, i dont want to dwell on that. I got so pissed off and disappointed with myself for being like that.



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