i wana sit on a guy's lap

Feb 12, 2010 05:20

Dear friends,
I miss u guys so much, I wish I ll join the picnic this coming friday. I miss to socialize with people having same interest. And I miss livejournal too.

Im happy grounding myself at home now, hangout wit my sisters to movies and leisure once in a while. With some good quality frens once in a while. Frens tht are not burden me and my head.

I wana active with johnny kitagawa sluts back.

Im tired being and caring and talkative person, I cant do tht. I cant be a shoulder to cry on. I cant be a place to express ur hunger ur anger or  and bla bla bla, the conclusion is Im not into anyone personal life anymore unless u r my realy X100 good fren.

Hate when u talk bout sum1 else at me, talk bad bout ur fellows at me. Talk bout other ppl bad sides, bad appearence bad attitude, bad life.

I hate to listen the gossips of unfamous ppl. Menyampah betul la nak dengar masalah orang yang tak habis2, dengar orang mengutuk orang lain, mengutuk apape pun la. Bosanla dengar orang cakap pasal falsafah hidup yang kau sendiri tak reti2 nak ikut. Tau cakap je tau tapi apa pun tarak.

This is about the bitch i wrote on my few prev entry, no longer be friends with her. Since i realize how batu api, iri hati, and non sense this bitch is

Im happy even i dun have a very colorful life like tht bitch, go here go there and show to ppl that u r so happy with ur life w/o me. That im a bad influence to u? U ve been a rude or rough person bcoz of me? Then u said fren realy play a role in life. Yo bitch how old r u? 13?  U r 23 bitch! Can u think with ur brain how to bring urself? how to take a good care of ur personality?, attitude and so on?  Nak cakap aku kasar la, ko ingat ko lembut sangat? and ko ingat aku kasar ke? aku kasar dgn ko sebab ko tu tak habis2 nak memekak dgn aku hal yang tak sudah2 ko tu. What can I say, bitching! Mengadu kat aku nape orang yang nak kat ko sumenye nak menggatal je. Dah gaya ko pun menggatal menggedik  je. Bile aku tegur ko marah, kecik  hati, tak dapat terima. Ko pikir la baik2 pompuan, ko tu lembut ke miang? Semua pompuan miang, semua pompuan gatal, semua pompuan suke lelaki except lesbians, tapi ko kene pikirla mcm ne nak handle, kalo laki yg ko tak rapat miang ke, lempang je la, habis crita, ko ingat ko sape nak aku kene dengar sume crita ko stp masa. Asyik ko je membebel, bile aku cakap ko potong.  Aku pun ada hal aku sendiri juga. Selamat la ko dah brambus dari hidup aku. Bagus juga aku gado dgn ko hari tu. Aku tgk ko macam nak tunjuk kat aku je yang ko pun bole bahagia tanpa aku, oi ADE AKU KESAH? Selama ni bkawan dgn ko aku tak de la bahagia mana pun. I know few virgo-rian, but they r nothing like u. They r 1000 times beter than u. And i like them. But u, dun ever apear infront of me anymore.

I hate things tht called bff or best frens forever. Theres no such things. When u r so closed wit sumone u will not having a good time anymore. Maybe I havent found any best fren yet.



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