~teg0magz~ is welcoming you!

Jan 01, 2020 12:00


Hello everyone! This is ~teg0magz~ in livejournal. But I am Maggie in real life. It's not my real name though, but people used to call me that. I'm very excited 'cause now I finally have my very own PROPER WRITING SITE! Thanks, lj! XD

I'm 15 years old and currently in 3rd year high school. And by the way, I'm a Filipina! Proud to be! Hehehe! XD

I have so many things that I wanted to share with everyone! But I guess this should enough for my self-introduction. Don't you think so? Hehehe! XD

Anyone who happened to pass by this entry, thank you so much for lending this journal a little of your time! If you're interested, you can add me up! I love having many friends! XD

That would be all! Take care everyone! XD


~teg0magz73~ is:
~50%sleepy-head, 50%enErgetiC~
~100% lazY~
~sinGeR, danCer, mOst of alL fEeLeR -_-~

friEnD. yaYa. taLandEh. thaT's hOw peOpLe calL mE. buT maNy knOwS mE iN mY niCknaMe magGie. simpLe. thEre aRe timeS thAt i'm kinD, timEs thAt i'M sO kinD, and tiMeS tHat i'm veRy kinD. haHa! juSt kiDdinG. XD buT prOmisE, i'M kiNd ^_~

Let'S saY eveRytHinG iN mY LifE iS 50:50. baLancEd. peRsoNaLitY, aTtitudE, cHaraCteR, isN't iT juSt thE saMe? hAhahA XD

i'M verY fuNny mOst oF thE timE. sOmetiMes, yOu maY eveN thinK i'M cRazY. swEar. 'cAusE thEre'S onLy onE thinG tHat i wanteD tO do eVerydaY, anD thaT's to LAUGH =p

i'M friEndLy, anD thaT's tRuE. i LovE intRoduCinG mYselF to peOpLe. thEre'S nOthinG wronG witH iT righT? haHaha!

i eAsiLy hAvE a cruSh oN hanDsomE... artiSts ;) yeS! i LovE guYs! hanDsomE guYs! buT hAndSome guYs thAt arE arTisTs... i dOn't kNow whY sO neVer miNd thiS! XD

i'M nOt a dRamatiC tYpe of pErsOn. i'm a pOsitiVe tyPe oF persOn! hAha! thAt'S whY mOst oF thE timE, i dOn't knOw hOw to bE seriOus! XP

i'M alSo a crEativE typE of persOn! anD laZy at tHe sAmE timE. i lOve taKinG piCturEs, wriTinG stOrieS, aS welL aS maKing poSterS foR iT. buT sinCe i'M lAzY, mY stoRieS arE alwayS lefT unfiNishEd. XD

i gueSs thAt's toO muCh fOr mE tO saY! i hoPe thAt bY doinG thiS entrY, i cOulD conVinCe yoU tO adD me iN youR frienD's LisT. i wouLd realLy lOvE to hAve mAny frIenDs!

iF eveR yOu havE aCcounT on frienDstEr, muLtipLy, aNd YM, kindLy adD mE therE toO!

thAnK yOu sO muCh foR havinG intEreSt tO reAd thiS! yOroshikU onEgaiShimAsU! XD

my story, welcome, introduction

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