Periodicals [3RD - Day 3]

Jan 21, 2009 17:04

Subjects taken: Filipino, Geometry, Chemistry

First of all, I want to say that I didn't study any of these subjects. I'm so bad XD Well, I studied a little I guess. I studied one lesson in Chemistry [Stoichiometry to be exact ;)] which I wasn't able to remember in the test! XP I think many were disappointed because the Chemistry test was so hard. But for me, I felt nothing because I wasn't really expecting anything from it. I didn't study so why should I be disappointed? Though I have to admit that the test was indeed... Hard XD

Summing it all up, I can now tell that in this quarter, I will definitely..... FAIL!!! T_T But I hope not XD I don't want to get any line of 7 kind of grade!  If that happens, I'm definitely going to kill myself. [In my dreams! Joke XP] I really wish I could still pass my tests even though I didn't really study hard -_- *Crosses my fingers*

I'm currently listening to Don't Don of Super Juniors. I really love this song! [Though I don't fully understand it XP] I like the violin part. It makes me want to hit the strings too! [Pfffft -_-]

Oh! I remembered! I have read that Taiwan will make an adaptation of Zettai Kareshi, or Aboslute Boyfriend [The drama which starred Hayami Mokomichi, the half-japanese half filipino star]. The guy that will portray the character of Mokomichi is none oher than Wu Zun. How's that? XD Taiwan loves to make manga adaptations ne? ^_^

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