Let's just say it: This entry's going to be as unrelated to VK as I can possibly manage. XD So, with that said, I went to the Half Moon Bay Pumpkin Festival yesterday. :] If you actually care about it, under the cut! Otherwise.... hi. XD
A completely unnecessary picture of me (my hand, whatever) in the car. Look at how dry the grass is, haha.
Yeup, so anyways, it's sort of a tradition in my family. Every year, we'd head on out to the Pumpkin Festival in Half Moon Bay, so this year was no different. To get there, we have to drive over this little mountain (we're in the valley, the festival is by the ocean), but the road there is usually clogged with traffic, so we tried taking a different route this year, going along the coast instead. It was longer, but at least the traffic was moving.
There's the cliff we were driving on (igonore the dirty windshield...ewww..) To the right's the ocean, but it was misty down there yesterday, so it looks like we're driving above the clouds~ Maybe it's just me, but I thought that was pretty cool. OwO Anyways, that's all I really wanted to mention about the trip there (since it was so cool to me XD). Now, the festival~
As you can see, it's not JUST the Pumpkin Festival, it's the Pumpkin and ART Festival, which is probably why it continues to captivate me year after year. The art there isn't the strange counter-culture art that I'd shown an interest in lately, but it was still fun to look at what everyone does...and what we could buy =w=... First thing we did (as we do every year) was get pumpkin ice cream...since it's good. XD I'd post a picture, but I forgot to take a picture before I ate it *headdesk*. I sound like a glutton, hahaha.... but what's a festival without food, right? XD So, really, there isn't much to say other than that we walked down the booths, browsing at what the artists had, enjoying the Halloween spirit, and stuff like this:
Nice hat, huh? It's so tall~ So far it doesn't seem like there was much pumpkin-related stuff...but that's just because I don't pay too much attention to that. XD There is a guy that carves intricate faces on huge pumpkins for everyone to see. Here's a picture:
The artist is the guy in the straw hat...which I just noticed you can't really see in this picture... Well, whatever...I want to carve a pumpkin like that.... if only I knew where to start, haha. Anyways, we kept going along andlooking at stuff, stopping to eat more festival food, like pumpkin pie and some sort of seasoned artichoke hearts. Half Moon Bay is an agricultural area, so they sold a lot of vegetable...related foods.... XD So we did end up buying some jewelry, both my sister and I a pendant each.
That's the one I got. Hurray for feminine jewelry, for once (because of VK and a certain uncle of mine, I'd kind of been in preference of men's jewelry--I mean look at the jewelry Uruha wears; it's so pretty~)
So, on the way back (after we'd looked at all the booths), we stopped by a pet feed store that happened to be conveniently located within the festival area to buy some food for our two bunnies at home. :3 So, like I said, this area is mostly farmland, so the store's really different from the ones around where I live.
They sold chickens! >w< *coughcough*remindedmeofreita*coughcough*
And, though this one wasn't for sale, they had some of those fancy roosters. I like the feathers on this one's head, haha.
AND THEN IT WAS OVER!! XD Hahaha, this was a pretty bad description of what happened there yesterday, but that's ok! That's how I write. :P
Now time to try and will myself into doing some work....