Это - Морган

Apr 26, 2013 10:55

Вот её страничка в Фейсбуке.

Ей десять лет, у неё три сестры и любящие родители.
С трёх лет она болела раком и недавно к сожалению он вернулся. Опухоль распространилась на позвоночник и она скоро не может ходить.  Теперь уже её не лечат а просто поддерживают комфорт. Все её спрашивают чего бы ей хотелось. Единственным её пожеланием было чтоб её медвежонок полетел.  На картинке - пингвинёнок для иллюстрации.  Её "тётушка" повесила информацию в нашу группу майских мамочек:
  • This is Morgan and her Daddy. Morgan was my next door neighbor on Fort Bragg when her Daddy was in the Army. Her daddy and I dated quite a few years and I grew to love Morgan and her 3 sisters as my own. This pic is from when Morgan was in NY receiving treatments. Morgan has been such a little fighter and continues to fight everyday. Recently Morgan relapsed and her parents have been told there isn't much that can be done anymore. Morgan has a request that I am trying to help her with. See the pic of the balloons with the penguin? She is trying to get her Teddy Bear to fly just like the penguin. She is requesting more balloons. One balloon with tax is $4.23 through the gift shop at the hospital (616-267-0411). If anyone here can send her even one balloon I know it will go towards giving her bear wings to fly.
  • You know those Dads that just blow your mind because they are amazing in every way.... yea, Jamie is one of those dads. He use to put the girls in (Alex, Morgan, Taylor, Ryan) in the red wagon and walk it around the cul-de-sac for hours on end...literally hours. Morgans sisters are so caring and loving as well. When Morgan first started receiving treatments (diagnosed right before her 4th bday) we were told her hair would fall out pretty quickly... so for Halloween that year (her birthday is on halloween) we put green spray in her hair and she was a tinkerbell with pretty green hair. She lost her hair a couple days later. I told her I would shave my head and we could be twins. She never let me shave my head though. She wore the cutest dresses... she was so afraid that without hair people would think she was a boy. I just want her to get better.

Вот теперь названиваем и покупаем шарики.  По-моему уже купили достаточно чтоб медвежонок полетел.  Когда я звонила, то продавщица сказала что ей кажется что уже полетит :)

Вобщем если у кого есть желание послать шарик или цветок или ещё шо-нибудь...

Morgan Horten
Helen DeVos Children's Hospital

100 Michigan NE

Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503

происшествия, друзья

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