Title: Waiting (Vision 2: Waiting... for a future that should have been)
Series: Letter Bee/Tegami Bachi
Author: Kai
Warning/Ratings: Vague spoilers as to what Aria finds out about the Day of Flicker/PG
Pairings: One sided AriaxGauche
Summary: This is going to be collection of introspective one-shots in different characters’ point of view about their feelings for Gauche and their desires for his safe return. This time, it's Aria's POV.
The previous chapter, in Lag's POV, can be found here:
http://kaitou-marron.livejournal.com/85189.html Author's notes: Hmm, from a cursory glance, it appears that the end of the anime diverges from the manga (which I haven’t read and now must do). XD;;; Much thanks to
analineblue for beta-ing this chapter (and for making me think about how to more clearly convey what I wanted to).
Fake cut to my journal:
(Vision 2: Waiting...for a future that should have been)