Aug 25, 2008 21:45
I am going to post my final say about the NDN thing and then I am going to let it go. I am pretty pissed off that I was told it would be 3 thousand dollars to get a headstone and have it set for NDN's gravesite. I thought from the minute I was told this that it was bullshit. Turns out I am right. I called the cemetery and they told me it was 28.00 and change to set the stone. I called headstone places and learned you can have a decent stone made for as little as 150.00 bucks. This puts us at less than 200 dollars to do this. Totally doable with a few donations. Where in HOLY fuck are they getting three thousand? I can see it if you are doing some elaborate thing but when it's on a donation bases you need to start at the minimum and if there are good donations go up from there. What I think is going on here is that the "acts" are getting paid and maybe the rest will go to the actual headstone and setting. This in my opinion is bullshit. Almost EVERY one of you putting the show on knew the man personally and if you aren't doing this for free then you suck a lot. I really take offense to the fact that it wasn't put out there straight from the start... "Here is a concert/show SOME of the profits will go for a marker." THAT would have been honest. The whole thing is bullshit and I personally checked it out and I am totally disgusted by the people involved.