Before you read this entry, go to whatever it is you use to listen to music (computer, iPod, stereo) and turn on Thriller. Don't read this before you do that. Ok.
For the uninitiated, Halloween here in the Thrill is the biggest night of the year.
I was originally going to go as Cuban dictator Fidel Castro, as suggested by my dear, dear friend Jenn Carpenter. Unfortunately for my Halloween, but fortunately for me overall, my dad flew in from Phoenix the preceding weekend so we could go fishing. This precluded any costume-buying activities. So I went as a cricket player, using all clothes that were already in my wardrobe.
So it was pretty crowded in the room in which we gathered before sallying forth. I took pictures of everyone. There was some confusion about whether or not I was happy in these pictures. Rest assured that I was, it's just that I have to maintain my tough-guy image.
Rob, our host, is on the right. I don't know who the other dude is, nor do I know who is feeling them both up.
Chinese takeout.
Kristen. If you look carefully, you can see 50 Cent in the background. Lloyd Banks was also there, but Young Buck was unavailable to round out the G-Unit.
The sweaty man on the left there is Jimmy, a totally righteous dude.
Katherine. Don't ask me what kind of bacchanalian debauchery is going on in the background there.
Gabriella showed up as an iPod.
Naturally, Pablo acted a fool.
To Franklin!
On the way, we met Erek. I'm amazed because he never broke character while we were with him. That character was...
...a senile old man with no pants.
There's Aaron, whom I didn't get a picture of before.
John displays his Bill Clinton outfit.
Here are some costumes I saw that were noteworthy.
The King. Now with more cowbell.
Jack Sparrow.
A bush.
A really tall Uncle Sam.
The Cool Runnings bobsled team.
The Stay Puft marshmallow man.
Some Mario Bros. question mark boxes. One of them contained a coin, the other may have held a super mushroom or a fire flower. And there's always the chance that it was an invulnerability star.
And, yes, the P2P was there. Other notables that I personally didn't see were the Facebook, Donnie Darko, and Mr. Peanut (of Planters' fame). There were also many Ron Burgundys, but only one complete Channel 4 News Team.
Subway was a Halloween hotspot.
Where you at?
According to today's DTH (that's Daily Tar Heel), 50,000 people were present for the celebration of this pagan holiday. Additionally, 50 people took a little trip to the EMS for alcohol poisoning and two people were shot.
After discovering that my favorite sweater had been ruined, I returned home to cry in my milk. I got a call from dear friend and fellow Carolina Scholar Katie Littlefield, though, and decided to meet her.
Fellow Carolina Scholar and creative writer Ria Fulton was there (on the right), as was Audrey Gauss (who took this picture) and another creative writer, Jamie Hester (not pictured).
I'll leave you with one final picture to commemorate my sweater.
Quoth Tha Doggfather, Snoop Doggy Dogg [in his 2004 hit Ups and Downs off of R&G (Rhythm and Gangsta): The Masterpiece],
"Now as I think back to the words my granddaddy used to say (I never seen him in church, but he always had The Word)
He would always tell me, sometimes you gotta take the good with the bad. You gotta do bad in order to do good. There will be ups and downs, smiles and frowns. Share with me fairy tales and make believe."