Aug 18, 2012 13:09
I will try to listen to almost radio drama I can get my hands on, but most are so bad that I turn them off after the first couple minutes. I don't think I made it more than 60 seconds past the intro on this one:
"Did you ever know a girl private detective? Perhaps not. They're pretty rare. Well, we've got one. Candy Matson is the name. And she's both pretty and rare. Figure? She picks up where Miss America leaves off. Clothes? She makes a peasant dress look like opening night at the opera. Hair? Blond, of course, and eyes, just the right shade of blue to match the hair. You're expecting more? Alright, let's meet her."
There's so much wrong with this I don't even know where to begin. Wikipedia says, "The program was notable for having a strong female character as well as a veiled gay character in Candy's best friend Rembrandt Watson." If that's what a strong female character was in the 1950s...
retro radio,
candy matson,
radio drama