Tefkas Towers was offline last night - this is somewhat frustrating, because I'm pretty certain that the replacement modem I bought at the weekend is at fault Not so! See ETA, below! So today's task is to download the latest drivers from the web, uninstall and reinstall the modem tonight to see if that fixes it. If not, I could revert to the router, but I don't really want to: it's another device to have to switch on and off, and in the current configuration, the router sits upstairs and the PC downstairs, so that's a pain. And also, my router is known not to play nicely with BitTorrent. *sigh*
Meanwhile, the work PC won't run Firefox at all these days, and it seems to be choking this morning on connecting to the mobile phone, too. *weary sigh* I'm sure I'll get it sorted somehow, though.
Moving on - or, indeed, back - dog training last night went pretty well, and Mali was so much calmer than last week, which made everything much easier on all of us. The dogs' playtime during the coffee break was great fun, if a little insane, with six dogs all scampering around madly!
Not much else to relay: minor victory on the coding front at work yesterday, which I felt quite pleased with. Still a fair bit of stuff to do, and things only get busier from here through to about October for us, now.
ETA: Just checked
Karoo's status page on the net, and that tells me that they did, indeed, have a problem with broadband connections yesterday, for about 4 hours in the evening. Which, coincidentally, would be about the time I was trying to connect. There is something decidely suboptimal about ISPs putting service disruption notifications on the web, but I can't quite put my finger on what, exactly... Other than, y'know, not being able to get online to read the explanation of why you can't, er, get online...
ETA2: ...and continuing the journal of one man's heroic struggle against the whims of technology, I've managed to get the phone connected to the PC once more, too. Result. :-)