That log in took an age...

May 02, 2006 08:05

...6 minutes, in fact, to log into the work PC, which is exceptionally slow. This may not bode well for the day...

T-Mobile haven't yet swapped my Virgin number to their phone - it was supposed to happen 'in the early morning', but the switch hasn't taken effect yet. Hence I've got the two phones side by side on the desk (in silent mode).

Oz got refenestrated on... Thursday, I think. And since then, has randomly frozen three times... Which is kinda frustrating. I also managed to buy a replacement phone cable for downstairs, so Oz has a direct feed to the internet, currently, rather than going through the router (since it's only Oz, currently, that's networked, using a router seemed a little superfluous).

Yesterday was mainly quiet - I dropped fastcub off at the farm in the morning, where we played Magic whilst waiting for his friend to turn up to whisk him off for the day (well, his friend's mum, to be precise, but you know what I mean). fastcub is very into card games these days - they all play Yu-Gi-Oh! at school, but when he's at my place we play Magic (we have the 8th edition decks), which is a lot of fun. Also, because there's no dice rattling around on the table, Mali tends to leave us to play in peace (which is better than him chasing the dice for Warhammer).

Mali got three run arounds in the park, but, perhaps because of the earlier rain, there weren't too many other dogs around for him to socialise with, which was a little surprising. Tonight we start the vets' behavioural course: to be honest, the doggin is vastly improved over how he used to be, and much, much, much less aggressive. However, the course is paid for up front, so we're going to go along and see what we make of it.

pcs, mali, family, phones, work

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