Nov 07, 2006 19:43
i am so stressed out and fatigued right now. i want to sleep, run around, and hit someone all at the same time >.<;;; im like annoyed with people for no good reason too. which is weird cuz just a little while ago i was all "*craving human attention*" and now im all "NO TOUCHY OR TLAKIE KTHANXBYEEE". and im dizzy, and just BLAH. i was even getting annoyed with poor kathleen for taking too long ot eat dinner. fucking birth control.
i have so much to do, by friday i need ot write a rough draft of a book review on a book i havent read. i have my final paper and annotated bibliography due soon in english. i have my last story in my fiction for children and young adults class coming up, and its the one thats being workshopped, so it needs to be good and its fantasy genre this time around which im good at but its hard establishing a "magical world". then i have my final project in contemporary computing coming up that me and kathleen havent even started yet -_-;;;; wayyyy too much to do and mixed with my fatiguedness, its not a happy combo
i dont think anything else very interesting is going on in my life... just stupid school, which i HATE. oh! david's coming home this weekend, so hopefully he'll ocme visit and hang out with me and kathleen and angela for a while, so thats cool. seaking of high shcool friends, i had a dream about jawn and nathan last night. i HELLA fuckin miss those kids hardcore :(