Directions: Comment to this post and I will give you 5 subjects/things I associate you with. Then post this in your LJ and elaborate on the subjects given.
katu gave me three...
-Simming!: Hi, my name's Stephanie, and I'm an addict! I love The Sims 2! Most of my friends are people I met here on LJ through different Sims groups! I love reading Sims stuff that other people have posted. I download waaaaay too much CC for the game! I'm currently playing two different legacies. The Doohickeys are my legacy family for the pixel_trade group uglification challenge! The Lyon's are my family for the
legacy_writers third founder challenge and it's a poverty/matriarchy/pixel_trade challenge!
-Optimism: This one's tough...mostly because I would never have pegged myself as optimistic. I am bipolar, but it's a very mild form, so perhaps I mostly post here when I'm either balanced or manic! That must be should see me when I'm's not pretty!
-Having seen lots of movies/read lots of books!: Books are my crack! Literally...I rarely go to the bookstore because I will walk out there having spent $100 or more! I also love watching movies because it's something that both my husband and I enjoy doing together!