Apr 25, 2005 22:15
1. What is a cell
2. List the steps required to create a table with four columns and three rows.
3. List two ways to move the insertion point in a table.
4. List the steps required to right align the data in the first column of a table and then bold the data in the first row.
5. a. What is a boundary
b. What happens when the boundary of a column is double-clicked?
6. List the steps required to insert a for between rows three and four of a table
7. a. List the steps required to delete a row in a table
b. List the steps required to delete an entire table
8. List the steps required to insert the copyright symbol at the beginning of a paragraph
9. What does hyphenation do to justified text?
10. List the steps required to hyphenate the open document.
11. a. What is a style?
What re headings?
12. What formatting doe the normal style apply to a paragraph?
13. a. list the steps required to view all the styles.
b. List the steps required to apply the Heading 2 build-in style to paragraph
14. List the steps required to create a new style named caption, based for the normal style, that center aligns a paragraph.
15. a. what dos outline view display?
b. list the steps required to display the open document in outline view.
16. list the steps required to select a topic in outline view and move t to after the topic below it
17. List the steps required to only print the first two heading levels in a document
18. a. what is TOC?
b. List the step required to insert a table of contents at the insertion point
19. List the steps required to use an entry in the table of contents display the corresponding heading in the document
20. a. What is added to a document to divide it into sections?
b. List the steps required to insert a next page section break and the insertions point.
c. what s the difference between Next page and continuous section breaks?
21. List the steps required to have gifts as a header on age 1. and jewelery as a header on page 2
yea i didn't finish and i did it under the wrong name... silly me