Jul 04, 2008 08:45
The rabbits are doing well. They are under shelter, in their hutches, eating and getting bigger by the day. I've got to do some more work closing the shelter in, but that will happen as cash becomes available. Eventually the bottom will be closed in while the top is screened and I will have 1/2 dozen chickens in there to clean up the wasted feed from the rabbits.
The goat shelter is also coming along. I've hemmed and hawed on what I'm doing with them, but have finally decided to return to plan A, with slight modifications. When I built Feather Ridge some years back, I added a lean-to to store some garden equipment. One of the thoughts in the back of my head is that I could put goats in there, but it's seemed to dark and dank. Looking over my piles of "I might use that someday" stuff, I found a window that came out of our front door. I'm going to put that in the east wall of the lean-to to let in light and then, with some careful skil-saw work, I'm going to turn the door into a dutch door to improve the circulation. I'm also going to take the rest of the brick pile and set them down as a floor to keep the goats up off the moisture to prevent hoof rot and to help keep their hooves trimmed down. The only things left after that are fencing (I think I have enough from previous projects) and something to keep the hay and grain out of the weather.
Unfortunately, I have to go to work today, so very little will be accomplished until sometime next week.