Baby #2

May 11, 2006 16:27

Me and Siong are planning for our 2nd baby. Yes we’re planning when’s the best time for ty to have his little brother or sister. If we planned one next year ty will be 3+ yrs old by time bb#2 comes long… I think that is a good age gap.

Siong says he don’t mind having it sooner but that prob means I have to be back Spore sooner(which I don’t mind lah) but what about our plans to go back-packing, traveling blah blah… whatever it is I think I want to have my #2 before I turns 30.

Anyway although I don’t want to get my expectations too high, I’m really hoping my next bb to be a girl. Like my sis, one boy one girl. I did some research on gender selection which says that there’s higher chance of conceiving a girl if you have intercourse 2-3 days before ovulation day. Wah biang eh, have to find out when’s my ovulation day loh.

Manage to find a Parenthood magazine here with one article: How to conceive the gender of your choice, naturally. There are actually a few tips here on how to conceive a bb gal. Kewl!

I’m starting my intake on folic acids now.
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