I might be interested in purchasing your Acct 2001 and Econ 2010 books. Maybe we can just make a trade? Chem 1201 book plus whatever amount of money you feel would cover the remaining costs.
If the chem book is in good enough condition to sell back (in case it's not the book I need) I am willing to trade you my acct for your chem!! And I will keep your cmst book in mind as well but i think i need the one written by osborne but that could change when i get to class!!
I might be interested in purchasing your Acct 2001 and Econ 2010 books. Maybe we can just make a trade? Chem 1201 book plus whatever amount of money you feel would cover the remaining costs.
I'm willing to trade my chem book for your accounting book.
I also have CMST 2060, but you'd need to find out which book you need first. My teacher (Dr. Treat) used the one written by Olson and Olson.
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