Jan 11, 2006 20:42
this is the first time i have updated in a long time.
too much to say.
- still have my wing zone job.
known as the chicken man to many of our loyal customers.
- apparently im getting the bird flu first in america
- I've met this "off the chain" girl. she lives right down the street from me.
we have lots of "good times".
- I almost got arrested again...
i was in the back of my job packing a bowl (everybody smokes at my job...)
then an undercover car pulled up behind me. 2 cops came came out.
right then i stashed the weed between my legs right before the cop got to my window.
i told him that i just got of work.
he asked me for my liscence.
for some reason i couldnt find it. then my friend from my work came out.
so i guess it confused the cops and they just decided to leave.
i was shittin my pants and praying for them not to ask me to get out of the car.
- i have to move in a month, im moving to cutler ridge in a month.
its a little closer to miami.
so i can go up north more often.
-i saved the day the yesterday.
i was driving down the turnpike last night at like 1 in the morning.
then i see these two guys trying to flag down cars on the side of the road.
so i stopped.
when i got to the two guys, they came up to me and i realized they were both deaf.
they told me in that broken english, people that are born deaf speak; that their tire had exploded while they were on the turnpike. going that fast when your tire explodes sucks.
they had crashed into a ditch.
they couldnt call the fire rescue because they could hear.
so i called 911 and waited with them till they got there.
i had to call their grandparents and explaoin in spanish what happened. that was hard.
so i left once the rescue peopke came.
- now i am in janeen's house doing this shit.
im about to eat some food.
... so peace.
until next time.