Nov 07, 2004 05:20
it's 4:34am and i'm awake, and honestly i feel like i could kill you. i have never, ever in my life, met anyone like you, i think you seriously need to seek some mental help. earlier i was looking up mental illnesses to find out what the hell is yours.. and i forgot what its called but i'm pretty fucking sure you have it.. its about how you use everyone and you can't possible love, you're whole life is a big game you play with people, minipulate and lie, steal and cheat. yeah everyone does some of those things.. but lets be real now. you know you're a piece of shit who literally will definately fry in the hell that I HOPE TO GOD is real JUST so i know you get the ultimate pay back for all you've done in your life. it's sad to think a person could actually feel this way for somebody.. but when you know as much as i do, even though i don't have that much room to talk, being that i AM linzy garcia, and i AM such a horrible person. well let me ask you people something.. have i EVER had the power, to make you want to literally kill yourself, and if you didn't have your lover because i turned all your friends on you, that you would, and you would fucking bring your dads gun to school and fucking get everything out you need to so people can understand, then fucking blow your brains out in a band kids lunch tray.. yeah well you, you through out my entire life, from the time we were fucking scraping our knees at kids kingdom, have found a way, to completely ruin things for me, to make me feel like i am nothing. when inside, i know, i'm a highly loving and caring person, i care and love everyone, THIS is why i have givven you, so many fucking chances, and let you walk all over me my entire fucking life. you have even stated to me, you wouldn't care if your own mother died. you're mothers done nothing wrong with you, hell if I was your mother i'd fucking drown you in a fucking sink. you've also stated to my mother and i, that you use your father, and you used this exact word as well, you "MINIPULATE" him. hmm.. thats a little fucked up. but anyways, this, i promise to you, is the last time, that i EVER trust you. I don't give a shit who you are to me, who you have become to me, is nothing, and nobody. and thats pretty fucking hard, cause i care for alot of people. and someday, SOOOMEday.. i fucking KNOOOOOOOW.. and i honestly can't wait to be proven right, all your little "friends" will know how i feel. i say friends in quotations because i'm being sarcastic, not saying THEY arn't good friends, but just saying you could never define friendship. i don't ever want anything to do with you, ever again. and thats pretty fucking sad.. but honestly if you wernt who you are to me, i would of done fucking beat the living fuck out of you, which i could and MOST DEFINATELY would love to. the only thing that would keep me from doing that is the fear of if accidently kill you and then i'd have to find somewhere good to hide your body.. that'd suck. but i'd do it. just because you honestly don't desurve ALOT of shit. and i'm going to just sit back and let people think what they want, cause i know you'll prove to them i'm right. you always do.
now everyone, think to yourself, is this a normal way to feel about blood ?
your blood to me is as thin as water