Jun 05, 2006 22:48
ok so i have so much stuff on my mind that i don't even know where to start...
have you ever wanted something so bad but you couldn't have it...well that's how i feel.. and it sucks really bad...i wish that i could just come out and say how i feel about things but i can't because i don't really like to put myself out there. life right now sucks....
i was suppose to start my cna classes monday and i still want to but i haven't even signed up yet hopefully i can get myself up early enough tomorrow morning and do that...i don't really sleep in but the past couple of days i haven't felt too good and i really don't want to get up....
i just want to find the right person for me...kevin told me not to look for it, let it come to me...thats how he found kelly...but its hard to do that when there is that one person that you really have feelings for but you can't be with them because of certain situations.....i just want to get my life together right now and find that person who i can love and be loved back...if their even out there....
well i guess that's enough for now...i don't even know why i write in this stupid thing....
love to most,